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Revisionundelete role should be created
Open, Needs TriagePublic


Just like the page deletion where the "delete" and "undelete" rights are separated, a separate role should be created called "revisionundelete". When a user attempts to change the visibility of a page in such a away that any component that was formerly hidden (text, summary or user/IP) will become visible, this right should be verified.

For those changes that only change visibility from visible to invisible (e.g. hiding the username of an edit the summary of which was formerly hidden), only the revisiondelete right should suffice.

Event Timeline

lfaraone lowered the priority of this task from Low to Lowest.Mar 11 2016, 2:43 AM
lfaraone subscribed.

I imagine for most purposes the auditability of the deletion log prevents abuse here. The amount of work involved to implement this request correctly makes me sceptical that it's worthwhile.

Strainu raised the priority of this task from Lowest to Needs Triage.Apr 18 2020, 9:55 AM

I imagine for most purposes the auditability of the deletion log prevents abuse here. The amount of work involved to implement this request correctly makes me sceptical that it's worthwhile.

Aș you can see from T234051 there are valid use cases here that warrant this change. While there are on-wiki solutions, it's better to solve the problem in MediaWiki.