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Help CorenBot migrate to a new API
Closed, ResolvedPublic8 Estimated Story Points


Now that we're losing access to Yahoo's index, we need to migrate existing copyvio tools to using a different API.

Event Timeline

DannyH renamed this task from Help copyvio tools migrate to a new API to Help CorenBot migrate to a new API.Mar 29 2016, 5:26 PM
DannyH set the point value for this task to 8.
kaldari subscribed.

The authorization for the new API is done through a basic authorization header passed as part of the API request.

In PHP this would be implemented something like:

$webSearchURL = '$format=json&Query=';
$context = stream_context_create(array(
  'http' => array(
    'request_fulluri' => true,
    'header'  => "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode($accountKey . ":" . $accountKey)
$request = $webSearchURL . urlencode( '\'' . $_POST["searchText"] . '\'');
$response = file_get_contents($request, 0, $context);
$jsonobj = json_decode($response);

@coren: Let me know what I can do to help. Do you have the code in a version control system?

The new Google Search API is now available for use from Tool Labs.

API documentation:

Proxy documentation:

Ping me to get the key and cx value.

Sent the info to Coren by Wikipedia email.

CorenSearchBot is back up and running! Yay!

kaldari claimed this task.
kaldari moved this task from Ready to Q1 2018-19 on the Community-Tech-Sprint board.