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As creator / publisher of a newsletter, I cannot edit and save its description
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@Qgil just created and this problem still exists. I can see the text area, but it is not editable. I tried with "Manage", since the label suggested that there I would be able to edit the description, but that wasn't the case either.

Event Timeline

Change 280833 had a related patch set uploaded (by 01tonythomas):
Allow newsletter managers to edit newsletter description

Qgil renamed this task from As creator of a newsletter, I cannot edit its description to As creator / publisher of a newsletter, I cannot edit its description.Apr 1 2016, 9:50 AM

Change 280833 merged by jenkins-bot:
Allow newsletter managers to edit newsletter description

Patch merged + pulled in at newsletter-test instance. @Qgil , can you verify the problem is solved at ?

Addshore assigned this task to 01tonythomas.

Yep, it works! Wow, that was superfast.

The linked patch only changes the HTML readonly attribute to be true only for managers. It cannot be saved and submitted.

Addshore renamed this task from As creator / publisher of a newsletter, I cannot edit its description to As creator / publisher of a newsletter, I cannot edit and save its description.Apr 1 2016, 12:27 PM