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Create #JSDuck tag
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There is bunch of tasks related to JSDuck, hence appropriate tag would be handy.

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Would this be a normal component?

Do we have any documentation about JSDuck (no pun intended) like a Wikimedia wiki page that at least explains how JSDuck is used in Wikimedia content?

Searching for jsduck in tasks:

Would this be a normal component?

I proposed tag, since it seems to me it is rather cross-component matter, and that's what tags are for...

Do we have any documentation about JSDuck (no pun intended) like a Wikimedia wiki page that at least explains how JSDuck is used in Wikimedia content?

No idea. @Krinkle may have?

Searching for jsduck in tasks:

I've done this search, hence I made the proposal... ;-)

I'm not convinced this tag would be useful. It'd be a lot of needless manual work and overhead to maintain for no benefit. What is the purpose of organising and discovering tasks of this sort? What task would be easier with this tag?

Tasks that relate to JSDuck from the perspective of setting up build/publish pipelines, that falls under Continuous-Integration-Config. It's not much different for CI config to set up JSDuck or any other job, so there's no value in grouping JSDuck-related tasks in CI-config.

Tasks that relate to JSDuck from the perspective of doc issues in specific repos should be filed under the relevant project directly. Perhaps global tags like good first task, JavaScript or Technical-Debt could be used to attract contributors. But I don't see any added value to tracking JSDuck separately.

Considering T138401: Replace jsduck with JSDoc3 across all Wikimedia code bases, it obviously does not have a sense any longer.