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Take care of disambiguation items at Wikidata
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A substantial part of items at Wikidata merely link disambiguation pages at various Wikimedia sites.

Their features are:

  • label: identical or similar in most languages
  • description: "Wikimedia disambiguation page" on every item
  • sitelinks: links to disambiguation pages on Wikimedia sites
  • statements:
    • mostly instance of (P31) = Wikimedia disambiguation page (Q4167410)
    • sometimes P460

Within Wikidata, these items don't have any function beyond providing interwiki links. Despite that, they seem to create a lot of overhead.

At Wikidata:Bot_requests#Take_care_of_disambiguation_items a few steps have been identified. Eventually these should become sub-tasks of this tracking task.

Event Timeline

Danny_B renamed this task from [story] take care of disambiguation items at Wikidata to Take care of disambiguation items at Wikidata.Jul 11 2016, 11:43 AM
Danny_B added a project: Story.
matej_suchanek subscribed.

Why should this be tracked in Phabricator?

It's something that could benefit from new or enhanced MediaWiki features.