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CentralNotice geotargeting broken
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With selecting in the CentralNotice system the option Geotargeted, and selecting only one country (in this case the Netherlands), then saving page, all countries are selected when checking.

This bug was noticed with setting up:

In this way the CentralNotice system can't be used properly, so fix is needed fast.

Event Timeline

Romaine triaged this task as High priority.Jul 25 2016, 4:25 AM

Confirmed. I also just tried selecting Netherlands there and submitting it but all the countries are selected after submission. A log entry does get inserted but it's a blank one.

Confirmed on this particular campaign. However This doesn't seem to be affecting all campaign setup.

@Romaine : I've created a new campaign for you with the setup and will look further into this issue

Pretty sure this is a bug related to the multi-select control, and, hopefully, one that only happens in not-so-common circumstances... Looks like it's still happening with the original campaign. Looking into it there...

Thx!! :)

(Edit: removed repetitive stuff following @Jseddon's post.)

I have recreated the fault:

The fault occurs in at least one way where the user:

  • Selects all countries
  • Saves
  • Then changes from select all to just a single country
Jseddon lowered the priority of this task from High to Medium.Jul 25 2016, 12:36 PM

@Jseddon Cool, thx! Just confirmed that this happens locally too. Same problem for the language selector, also, BTW.

@HNordeenWMF flagging this old issue in advance of the upcoming Netherlands campaign - can we please check to see if this still persists?

hi @AKanji-WMF, I just tested for NL and it is not an issue for the way in which the fundraising team sets up our campaigns (we do not ever select all countries).

I couldn't reproduce the behavior using Seddon's bullet points on this campaign

  • Selects all countries
  • Saves
  • Then changes from select all to just a single country

Thank you @HNordeenWMF - closing this out.

Yes, the geotargeting selection was completely changed to add regions since this bug, so that probably resolved it.