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Update the Search bar background color to Base90 in Light mode
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The search bar is still using an outdated dark grey as the background color.

Update to using the 'Snow white' Base90 (#F8F9FA) background bar color in Light mode; and Base18 (#43464A) in Dark mode.
Note: This is part of under design debt task T170304, but fixing the search bar should be prioritized.


Light mode
Search - empty state.png (1×720 px, 67 KB)
Dark mode
Search - empty state - dark.png (1×720 px, 68 KB)

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White for the light and dark theme or just for the light theme and blue for the dark theme? :)

RHo renamed this task from Update the Search bar background color to white to Update the Search bar background color to Base90 in Light mode.Jul 11 2017, 6:25 PM
RHo updated the task description. (Show Details)

Good point @Florian – I've made updates to the task description to clarify that on the Light theme we want to use the Base90 'Snow white' color from the WMF color palette (see M82), and for the Dark theme using a new color swatch we adding as part fixing the inconsistencies and contrast deficiencies on Dark theme colors being worked on task T95080.

Also filed a separate bug ticket T170304 as the dark #222 bar appearing in certain screens is due to the old design not being completely updated when we introduced the Accent50 blue around the time feed and bottom nav was implemented.

Dbrant claimed this task.