Page MenuHomePhabricator translations for legal language footer on portal
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Now that we have translations on the portal page - we'd like to extend that to the text in the legal footer as well.

These three phrases will need to be added to translatewiki to be translated - text only - into the various hundreds of languages, as can be done:

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Event Timeline

debt triaged this task as Medium priority.Dec 20 2016, 5:07 PM
debt moved this task from Backlog to What's Next on the Discovery-Portal-Sprint board.

Change 333957 had a related patch set uploaded (by Jdrewniak):
Adding app link text and legal footer to translation

Change 333957 merged by jenkins-bot:
Adding app link text and legal footer to translation

debt moved this task from In Progress to Backlog on the Discovery-Portal-Sprint board.
debt moved this task from Backlog to Done on the Discovery-Portal-Sprint board.
debt claimed this task.

Sorry, but it appears to me that the entire page is shown in English again, except for the title above the puzzle globe ("Wikipedia The free encyclopedia", which is shown in German to me).

debt reassigned this task from debt to Jdrewniak.EditedMar 6 2017, 6:15 PM
debt raised the priority of this task from Medium to Unbreak Now!.
debt removed a project: Patch-For-Review.
debt moved this task from Done to In Progress on the Discovery-Portal-Sprint board.

This isn't good - here's a screen shot of my browser's preferred language set to French where it is displaying correctly.

wikipedia-portal-french.png (768×989 px, 160 KB)

But, when switching my browser to German - it's not showing the translations properly:
wikipedia-portal-french.png (767×991 px, 153 KB)

Could this be due to a bot update that was done a little while ago?

This is happening in various languages - Chinese (simplified) is also not showing translations that were there before, but Arabic seems to be displaying the translations that currently exist (they have a few missing ones).

@debt Once again these caching issues.
The language files for some languages are cached as 404s, so the webpage falls back to english.

See for Deutsch:

French, however, works:

This is a very problematic issue.

Could this be due to a bot update that was done a little while ago?

No, that's unrelated. (see above)

So, we have to wait 24 hours until the cache gets cleared, @JGirault or we manually clear it, right?
Thanks for looking at this issue!

This issue should be resolved now.

Screen Shot 2017-03-14 at 4.15.26 PM.png (1×2 px, 432 KB)