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Migrate ORES_paper flow board from Meta to
Closed, ResolvedPublic


If T63729 is resolved, Flow will be removed from Meta Wiki. If that happens, I'd like to preserve the Flow board that has been enabled there.

Under that circumstance, please move the following Flow board.


See T154830: Transwiki (within a farm) support for Flow dumps/imports.

Event Timeline

I recommend we do it properly. I don't think it's that complicated. I've outlined a proposed approach. We need to prioritize it appropriately, though: T154830: Transwiki (within a farm) support for Flow dumps/imports

There is a hack approach (this messes up the board on Meta, but this is not much of an issue if Flow is disabled, since then it's messed up anyway): Manually update the DB to reassign the workflows to mediawikiwiki, then delete the now-broken page from Meta (either UI deletion or obliterating it).

However, we would also need to fix the user IDs (either properly map them or use user_ip instead, see T119249). If we mapped them, it would require a half-script.

Considering this Flow board was enabled without consensus, I don't think this should necessarily block T63729: Remove Flow from Meta-Wiki. If fixing this requires more than a few days, I suggest that we proceed with the disabling and that the data be recovered from the database.

@Nemo_bis, that would be disruptive. What harm does it cause to leave this one Flow board enabled "for a few days" while we work out how to transfer?

@Nemo_bis, that would be disruptive. What harm does it cause to leave this one Flow board enabled "for a few days" while we work out how to transfer?

Is there a status update on this task?

This is scheduled for 2 PM Pacific today.

Done. I didn't do initSiteStats.php, since it's just one page and I don't know if there are any caveats about this in production. Someone could run it now, or if they do in the future it will be picked up.

The page has been moved to mw:Talk:ORES/Paper

QA recommendation: Resolve.

Thank you for getting this resolved!