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Expose user realname through mw.user.options or mw.config
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Users real name isn't showing up in mw.user.options.

It shows up in the preference page just fine, but for some reason it's not being propagated out to the javascript stuff.

I got around it by using the MakeGlobalVariablesScript hook, but that seems a less than optional solution for something that's should be a normal user preference.

Tested on MW 1.25.2 and 1.27.1

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realname is not a regular user preference – it's really more like the email, which also isn't in mw.user.options. (Internally, it's stored in the user.user_real_name table column, rather than in the user_properties table.)

It would probably be easier (and maybe more sensible? I'm not sure…) to expose it in a similar way to the username (mw.config.get('wgUserName')).

Krinkle renamed this task from realname not showing up in mw.user.options to Expose user realname through mw.user.options or mw.config.May 8 2017, 12:23 AM
Krinkle triaged this task as Low priority.
Krinkle edited projects, added MediaWiki-User-management; removed MediaWiki-General.
Krinkle moved this task from Backlog to Other on the MediaWiki-User-management board.