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Burma is under water?
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Global warming and all, but I don't think Burma has been fully submerged by water just yet...

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@MaxSem > so points at

That relation was changed two days ago, but the only changes on the relation itself are name:* tags.

Running osm2pgsql on that relation, I don't get anything that could indicate water

# select osm_id, name, boundary, "natural", building, landuse, waterway, way_area from planet_osm_polygon where osm_id = -50371;
│ osm_id │  name  │    boundary    │ natural │ building │ landuse │ waterway │  way_area   │
│ -50371 │ မြန်မာ │ administrative │ ¤       │ ¤        │ ¤       │ ¤        │ 3.26001e+09 │
│ -50371 │ မြန်မာ │ administrative │ ¤       │ ¤        │ ¤       │ ¤        │ 2.70263e+09 │
│ -50371 │ မြန်မာ │ administrative │ ¤       │ ¤        │ ¤       │ ¤        │ 8.80004e+11 │

@Gehel, can you run the same query on production

Pnorman triaged this task as Unbreak Now! priority.Mar 18 2017, 4:04 AM
Peachey88 lowered the priority of this task from Unbreak Now! to High.Mar 18 2017, 8:06 AM
gis=> select osm_id, name, boundary, "natural", building, landuse, waterway, way_area from planet_osm_polygon where osm_id = -50371;
 osm_id |  name  |    boundary    | natural | building | landuse | waterway |  way_area
 -50371 | မြန်မာ | administrative |         |          |         |          | 2.70263e+09
 -50371 | မြန်မာ | administrative |         |          |         |          | 3.26001e+09
 -50371 | မြန်မာ | administrative |         |          |         |          | 8.80004e+11
(3 rows)

Looking at live-rendered map, it looks OK from which I can conclude that there was some data problem but it was fixed with the next update. I've started regeneration of the affected regions.

I don't see the problem anymore. Leaving open until we figure out what happened. @Pnorman, any ideas?

For me, the eror still persists ( Exactly at zoom #7 (more or less is OK). However not all Burma is blue anymore. The far north and the south (approximately south from Yangon) are good.

This is probably some of our varnish caches not yet properly invalidated. T108435 and T159977 need to be addressed to solve this issue. In the meantime, the last few flooded tiles should be refreshed automatically fairly soon. Sorry for the pain.

Confirming that the map is back to normal for me (finally).

Burma is no longer underwater.