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Create alerts and reminders when reading list sync is turned off for a user
Closed, ResolvedPublic1 Estimated Story Points


User story

As a reading list user, I want to be reminded/warned when I don't have reading lists sync turned on.

Proposed elements

i) Reminder message appears for first X times user adds to a reading list or goes to My lists without being logged in (same as scenario A)
ii) If user is logged in but does not have saving lists to user preferences on, show a warning/notification and call to action to allow user to ‘turn on’ sync.

My lists - warning when sync is off

My lists - warning - sync turned off.png (1×720 px, 175 KB)

NOTE: The most updated redline version of mocks may be found on the Zeplin board tagged under "T162619 - Reading list sync onboarding"

Event Timeline

Change 358830 had a related patch set uploaded (by Dbrant; owner: Dbrant):
[apps/android/wikipedia@master] Show an onboarding reminder for synchronizing reading lists.

Login reminder snackbar still to come?

Change 358830 merged by jenkins-bot:
[apps/android/wikipedia@master] Show an onboarding reminder for synchronizing reading lists.

Hi @Dbrant - both look fine, but for the turn on sync scenario, if the user taps "Turn on" and then does toggle on Sync in their Settings, can this card be hidden when they return to the screen? At the moment it is a bit confusing that the card is still shown when sync is on.

1. Logged in user with sync off
main-MainActivity-07202017154144.png (1×1 px, 133 KB)
2. Not logged in user
main-MainActivity-07202017153619.png (1×1 px, 132 KB)

Change 368180 had a related patch set uploaded (by Dbrant; owner: Dbrant):
[apps/android/wikipedia@master] Design tweak: show reading list sync reminders more smartly.

Change 368180 merged by jenkins-bot:
[apps/android/wikipedia@master] Design tweak: show reading list sync reminders more smartly.

Tested on Nexus 5 (Android 6.0.1) on Wikipedia v2.6.8-alpha-2017-07-31.

QA steps:
  1. Open app and check that "Sync reading lists" in Settings is toggled OFF, and that you're logged out the app
  2. Go to the Reading lists screen where a message appears advising users that Synced reading lists are available and prompt them to login:
    main-MainActivity-08022017165440.png (1×1 px, 208 KB)
  3. Tap on the "Log in" action, and then log in to the app.
  4. After successfully logging in, you should return to the reading lists screen where you should now see a message advising that "sync is turned off":

main-MainActivity-08022017170248.png (1×1 px, 203 KB)

  1. Tap on the "Turn on" action to go to the Settings screen
  2. In Settings, toggle ON the "Sync reading lists" option
  3. Tap back to return to the Reading lists screen no longer showing the warning message.