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Querying wikidata with pywikibot fails for items with images when user is not registered for commons
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I created a new user to make some changes as a bot. That user was registered with wikidata.

I then made a new paws notebook to make some edits. The code that I tried to run was as follows:

import pywikibot
import json
site = pywikibot.Site("wikidata", "wikidata")
repo = site.data_repository()

def mark_as_part_of_current_landtag(politican_item_id):
    item = pywikibot.ItemPage(repo, politican_item_id)
    claims = item.get()['claims']['P39']
    legislaturperiode = u'P2937'
    landtag_period = u"Q30321703" # 17th NRW

    # Q17781726 is: Mitglied des Lantags Nordrhein-Westfahlen
    landtag_membership = next(claim for claim in claims if == 'Q17781726')

    qualifier = pywikibot.Claim(repo, legislaturperiode)
    target = pywikibot.ItemPage(repo, landtag_period)
    item.editEntity(summary='pyWikibot politican in Wahlperiode')

Essentially I am trying to add a qualifier to an existing claim. Unfortunately this fails with the following output:

WARNING: API error mwoauth-invalid-authorization-invalid-user: The authorization headers in your request are for a user that does not exist here
NoUsername                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-2-9a2c8d299850> in <module>()
     22     item.editEntity(summary='pyWikibot politican in Wahlperiode')
---> 24 mark_as_part_of_current_landtag("Q1620526")

<ipython-input-2-9a2c8d299850> in mark_as_part_of_current_landtag(politican_item_id)
      6 def mark_as_part_of_current_landtag(politican_item_id):
      7     item = pywikibot.ItemPage(repo, politican_item_id)
----> 8     claims = item.get()['claims']['P39']
     10     legislaturperiode = u'P2937'

/srv/paws/pwb/pywikibot/ in get(self, force, get_redirect, *args, **kwargs)
   4043         @raise NotImplementedError: a value in args or kwargs
   4044         """
-> 4045         data = super(ItemPage, self).get(force, *args, **kwargs)
   4047         if self.isRedirectPage() and not get_redirect:

/srv/paws/pwb/pywikibot/ in get(self, force, *args, **kwargs)
   3646       [pid] = []
   3647                 for claim in self._content['claims'][pid]:
-> 3648                     c = Claim.fromJSON(self.repo, claim)
   3649                     c.on_item = self
   3650           [pid].append(c)

/srv/paws/pwb/pywikibot/ in fromJSON(cls, site, data)
   4477             # The default covers string, url types
   4478    = Claim.TARGET_CONVERTER.get(
-> 4479                 claim.type, lambda value, site: value)(value, site)
   4480         if 'rank' in data:  # References/Qualifiers don't have ranks
   4481             claim.rank = data['rank']

/srv/paws/pwb/pywikibot/ in <lambda>(value, site)
   4417             PropertyPage(site, 'P' + str(value['numeric-id'])),
   4418         'commonsMedia': lambda value, site:
-> 4419             FilePage(pywikibot.Site('commons', 'commons'), value),
   4420         'globe-coordinate': pywikibot.Coordinate.fromWikibase,
   4421         'time': lambda value, site: pywikibot.WbTime.fromWikibase(value),

/srv/paws/pwb/pywikibot/tools/ in wrapper(*__args, **__kw)
   1446                              cls, depth)
   1447                     del __kw[old_arg]
-> 1448             return obj(*__args, **__kw)
   1450         if not __debug__:

/srv/paws/pwb/pywikibot/ in __init__(self, source, title)
   2301         """Constructor."""
   2302         self._file_revisions = {}  # dictionary to cache File history.
-> 2303         super(FilePage, self).__init__(source, title, 6)
   2304         if self.namespace() != 6:
   2305             raise ValueError(u"'%s' is not in the file namespace!" % title)

/srv/paws/pwb/pywikibot/tools/ in wrapper(*__args, **__kw)
   1446                              cls, depth)
   1447                     del __kw[old_arg]
-> 1448             return obj(*__args, **__kw)
   1450         if not __debug__:

/srv/paws/pwb/pywikibot/ in __init__(self, source, title, ns)
   2177                 raise ValueError(u'Title must be specified and not empty '
   2178                                  'if source is a Site.')
-> 2179         super(Page, self).__init__(source, title, ns)
   2181     @deprecate_arg("get_redirect", None)

/srv/paws/pwb/pywikibot/ in __init__(self, source, title, ns)
    162         if isinstance(source,
--> 163             self._link = Link(title, source=source, defaultNamespace=ns)
    164             self._revisions = {}
    165         elif isinstance(source, Page):

/srv/paws/pwb/pywikibot/ in __init__(self, text, source, defaultNamespace)
   5084         # See bug T104864, defaultNamespace might have been deleted.
   5085         try:
-> 5086             self._defaultns = self._source.namespaces[defaultNamespace]
   5087         except KeyError:
   5088             self._defaultns = defaultNamespace

/srv/paws/pwb/pywikibot/ in namespaces(self)
   1012         """Return dict of valid namespaces on this wiki."""
   1013         if not hasattr(self, '_namespaces'):
-> 1014             self._namespaces = NamespacesDict(self._build_namespaces())
   1015         return self._namespaces

/srv/paws/pwb/pywikibot/ in _build_namespaces(self)
   2610         # For versions lower than 1.14, APISite needs to override
   2611         # the defaults defined in Namespace.
-> 2612         is_mw114 = MediaWikiVersion(self.version()) >= MediaWikiVersion('1.14')
   2614         for nsdata in self.siteinfo.get('namespaces', cache=False).values():

/srv/paws/pwb/pywikibot/ in version(self)
   2723         if not version:
   2724             try:
-> 2725                 version = self.siteinfo.get('generator', expiry=1).split(' ')[1]
   2726             except
   2727                 # May occur if you are not logged in (no API read permissions).

/srv/paws/pwb/pywikibot/ in get(self, key, get_default, cache, expiry)
   1674                 elif not Siteinfo._is_expired(cached[1], expiry):
   1675                     return copy.deepcopy(cached[0])
-> 1676         preloaded = self._get_general(key, expiry)
   1677         if not preloaded:
   1678             preloaded = self._get_siteinfo(key, expiry)[key]

/srv/paws/pwb/pywikibot/ in _get_general(self, key, expiry)
   1620                         u"', '".join(props)), _logger)
   1621             props += ['general']
-> 1622             default_info = self._get_siteinfo(props, expiry)
   1623             for prop in props:
   1624                 self._cache[prop] = default_info[prop]

/srv/paws/pwb/pywikibot/ in _get_siteinfo(self, prop, expiry)
   1546             # warnings are handled later
   1547             request._warning_handler = warn_handler
-> 1548             data = request.submit()
   1549         except api.APIError as e:
   1550             if e.code == 'siunknown_siprop':

/srv/paws/pwb/pywikibot/data/ in submit(self)
   2340         cached_available = self._load_cache()
   2341         if not cached_available:
-> 2342             self._data = super(CachedRequest, self).submit()
   2343             self._write_cache(self._data)
   2344         else:

/srv/paws/pwb/pywikibot/data/ in submit(self)
   2173                     continue
   2174                 raise NoUsername('Failed OAuth authentication for %s: %s'
-> 2175                                  % (, info))
   2176             # raise error
   2177             try:

NoUsername: Failed OAuth authentication for commons:commons: The authorization headers in your request are for a user that does not exist here

After I registered the account with wikimedia commons as well the edit worked as expected. I made a new account to verify the bug with which I have not registered for commons yet, hoping it might help you debug. It is called Bug_example_bot.

Maybe I am just misunderstanding this but I do not see the connection why I would need to be registered with commons to make changes with wikidata...

Event Timeline

Chicocvenancio moved this task from Backlog to Waiting information on the PAWS board.

@Chicocvenancio is there any more info that you need from my site?

@Knuthuehne Sorry for moving it around the workboard without more context. I started writing here but never submitted.

In order of importance, the information we need to start working on this is:

  • Does it still happen?
  • Is it exclusive to PAWS, as in, if we tried do use pywikibot from the computer does the bug still present itself?

To be honest this seems to me a Pywikibot issue, but I haven't tried to reproduce it yet.

I just registered a new user on Wikidata (username test_123_123) and still get the same error when running the code on paws. So I guess it is still an issue.

To be honest, I kind of gave up on trying to get pywikibot to run locally a while ago due to some failed installation/setup attempts. Using it in PAWS seemed much easier which is why I can't say if this also happens locally...

Ok, @Knuthuehne, thanks for the info. I'll keep this open, but it'll be a while until I have time to look into it. At any rate, it is likely mainly a pywikibot issue, not a PAWS one.

I think on Pywikibot side this was solved in T183466, so this is just an issue of Pywikibot instance in PAWS not updated to some newer version (easy fix in PAWS I think)

Please try to update Pywikibot instance in PAWS and confirm whether this bug was solved by update or not.

@Dvorapa, at this time Pywikibot is updated at every deploy, I'll look into making it update at every pod start (T189311). However, the current version inside the user:test_123_123 server is 9694afa14408fc9ceb7e68ea6e3416a7c9a218e5 of Feb 23 14:23:46 2018 +0100 was this fixed after that?

To update pywikibot currently you can run cd /srv/paws/pwb; git pull in a PAWS terminal or !cd /srv/paws/pwb; git pull in a python 3 notebook.

However, I cannot reproduce this at all.

Running does not give me any errors for me.

@Knuthuehne can you try again and point me to the public link of the notebook with the error?

@Chicocvenancio well, it get's only more confusing. If I take your example and change the qualifier for which I try to get the claims back to the one that it was in my original query it crashes again with the same old error:

I'm throwing this back in pywikibot's court, querying any item with image will result in this error.

See this query for items without images that will not raise an exception.

See this other query for items that have an image and will result in an exception.

See this notebook for minimal reproducible code.
It seems pywikibot creates a FilePage object whenever there is an image. See;master$4692

There is nothing to be done on the PAWS side of things.

Chicocvenancio renamed this task from Editing wikidata with paws/pywikibot fails when user is not registered for commons to Querying wikidata with pywikibot fails for items with images when user is not registered for commons.Mar 13 2018, 2:03 PM

I may have reproduced this bug. It happens on Q42 but not on another item without image. Here is PAWS output after a item.get() :

WARNING: API error mwoauth-invalid-authorization-invalid-user: The authorization headers in your request are for a user that does not exist here
NoUsername                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-3-3945c6ebb807> in <module>()
----> 1 item.get()

/srv/paws/pwb/pywikibot/ in get(self, force, get_redirect, *args, **kwargs)
   4457         @raise NotImplementedError: a value in args or kwargs
   4458         """
-> 4459         data = super(ItemPage, self).get(force, *args, **kwargs)
   4461         if self.isRedirectPage() and not get_redirect:

/srv/paws/pwb/pywikibot/ in get(self, force, *args, **kwargs)
   3950       [pid] = []
   3951                 for claim in self._content['claims'][pid]:
-> 3952                     c = Claim.fromJSON(self.repo, claim)
   3953                     c.on_item = self
   3954           [pid].append(c)

/srv/paws/pwb/pywikibot/ in fromJSON(cls, site, data)
   4894             if claim.type in cls.types or claim.type == 'wikibase-property':
   4895        = cls.TARGET_CONVERTER.get(
-> 4896                     claim.type, lambda value, site: value)(value, site)
   4897             else:
   4898                 pywikibot.warning(

/srv/paws/pwb/pywikibot/ in <lambda>(value, site)
   4825             PropertyPage(site, 'P' + str(value['numeric-id'])),
   4826         'commonsMedia': lambda value, site:
-> 4827             FilePage(pywikibot.Site('commons', 'commons'), value),  # T90492
   4828         'globe-coordinate': pywikibot.Coordinate.fromWikibase,
   4829         'geo-shape': pywikibot.WbGeoShape.fromWikibase,

/srv/paws/pwb/pywikibot/tools/ in wrapper(*__args, **__kw)
   1735                              cls, depth)
   1736                     del __kw[old_arg]
-> 1737             return obj(*__args, **__kw)
   1739         if not __debug__:

/srv/paws/pwb/pywikibot/ in __init__(self, source, title)
   2424         """Initializer."""
   2425         self._file_revisions = {}  # dictionary to cache File history.
-> 2426         super(FilePage, self).__init__(source, title, 6)
   2427         if self.namespace() != 6:
   2428             raise ValueError("'%s' is not in the file namespace!" % title)

/srv/paws/pwb/pywikibot/tools/ in wrapper(*__args, **__kw)
   1735                              cls, depth)
   1736                     del __kw[old_arg]
-> 1737             return obj(*__args, **__kw)
   1739         if not __debug__:

/srv/paws/pwb/pywikibot/ in __init__(self, source, title, ns)
   2273                 raise ValueError('Title must be specified and not empty '
   2274                                  'if source is a Site.')
-> 2275         super(Page, self).__init__(source, title, ns)
   2277     @property

/srv/paws/pwb/pywikibot/ in __init__(self, source, title, ns)
    195         if isinstance(source,
--> 196             self._link = Link(title, source=source, default_namespace=ns)
    197             self._revisions = {}
    198         elif isinstance(source, Page):

/srv/paws/pwb/pywikibot/tools/ in wrapper(*__args, **__kw)
   1735                              cls, depth)
   1736                     del __kw[old_arg]
-> 1737             return obj(*__args, **__kw)
   1739         if not __debug__:

/srv/paws/pwb/pywikibot/ in __init__(self, text, source, default_namespace)
   5516         # See bug T104864, default_namespace might have been deleted.
   5517         try:
-> 5518             self._defaultns = self._source.namespaces[default_namespace]
   5519         except KeyError:
   5520             self._defaultns = default_namespace

/srv/paws/pwb/pywikibot/ in namespaces(self)
   1041         """Return dict of valid namespaces on this wiki."""
   1042         if not hasattr(self, '_namespaces'):
-> 1043             self._namespaces = NamespacesDict(self._build_namespaces())
   1044         return self._namespaces

/srv/paws/pwb/pywikibot/ in _build_namespaces(self)
   2665         # For versions lower than 1.14, APISite needs to override
   2666         # the defaults defined in Namespace.
-> 2667         is_mw114 = self.mw_version >= '1.14'
   2669         for nsdata in self.siteinfo.get('namespaces', cache=False).values():

/srv/paws/pwb/pywikibot/ in mw_version(self)
   2799         mw_ver, cache_time = getattr(self, '_mw_version_time', (None, None))
   2800         if mw_ver is None or time.time() - cache_time > 60 * 60 * 24:
-> 2801             mw_ver = MediaWikiVersion(self.version())
   2802             setattr(self, '_mw_version_time', (mw_ver, time.time()))
   2803         return mw_ver

/srv/paws/pwb/pywikibot/ in version(self)
   2782             try:
   2783                 version = self.siteinfo.get('generator',
-> 2784                                             expiry=1).split(' ')[1]
   2785             except
   2786                 # May occur if you are not logged in (no API read permissions).

/srv/paws/pwb/pywikibot/ in get(self, key, get_default, cache, expiry)
   1691                 elif not Siteinfo._is_expired(cached[1], expiry):
   1692                     return copy.deepcopy(cached[0])
-> 1693         preloaded = self._get_general(key, expiry)
   1694         if not preloaded:
   1695             preloaded = self._get_siteinfo(key, expiry)[key]

/srv/paws/pwb/pywikibot/ in _get_general(self, key, expiry)
   1637                     .format("', '".join(props)), _logger)
   1638             props += ['general']
-> 1639             default_info = self._get_siteinfo(props, expiry)
   1640             for prop in props:
   1641                 self._cache[prop] = default_info[prop]

/srv/paws/pwb/pywikibot/ in _get_siteinfo(self, prop, expiry)
   1560         request._warning_handler = warn_handler
   1561         try:
-> 1562             data = request.submit()
   1563         except api.APIError as e:
   1564             if e.code == 'siunknown_siprop':

/srv/paws/pwb/pywikibot/data/ in submit(self)
   2422         cached_available = self._load_cache()
   2423         if not cached_available:
-> 2424             self._data = super(CachedRequest, self).submit()
   2425             self._write_cache(self._data)
   2426         else:

/srv/paws/pwb/pywikibot/data/ in submit(self)
   2249                     continue
   2250                 raise NoUsername('Failed OAuth authentication for %s: %s'
-> 2251                                  % (, info))
   2252             if code == 'cirrussearch-too-busy-error':  # T170647
   2253                 self.wait()

NoUsername: Failed OAuth authentication for commons:commons: The authorization headers in your request are for a user that does not exist here

Ok, and I now loggued into Commons, there is no error message again. Definitly the same bug.

It seems autologin doesn't work for Wikidata class properly.

I get this problem only for items with pictures when running the Pywikibot script using Wikidata item.get() from a PAWS Jupyter notebook.
When running the same script on a standalone Pywikibot client, the error never shows up.
In both cases I am using exactly the same file and the same Pywikibot script.
This is very embarrassing... since more and more Wikidata items get a picture P18 assigned.
Note that I do not reference ['claims']['P18'] from my script...
This means that I can only run the script on a standalone platform to avoid those errors...
Please correct this suspected bug on the PAWS Jupyter platform. All users of PAWS Jupyter notebook using Wikidata item.get() are suffering from this problem.
The problem seems to exist already for more than 3 years?

@Geertivp: Do you use the same pywikibot version? Please give the result of script for PAWS and your standalone environment. Are you using the same account?

For the private client:

WARNING: Http response status 404
Pywikibot: [https] r-pywikibot-core.git (5fccbc2, g1, 2020/05/24, 16:06:54, n/a)
Release version: 3.1.dev0
requests version: 2.21.0
  cacerts: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
    certificate test: ok

On the PAWS Jupyter platform:
Same user account for both platforms.

For the private client:

WARNING: Http response status 404
Pywikibot: [https] r-pywikibot-core.git (5fccbc2, g1, 2020/05/24, 16:06:54, n/a)
Release version: 3.1.dev0

Just fo the record: This is a pre-release of 3.0.20200609, the previous tag was 3.0.20200508

Can you give a code sample to reproduce this issue with the current stable release?

The local Pywikibot works, even if it is an older version.
It is the PAWS Jupyter Pywikibot that does not work...

The local Pywikibot works, even if it is an older version.
It is the PAWS Jupyter Pywikibot that does not work...

Sure but the releases are different. Your code is post 3.0.20200508 whereas PAWS has 4.3. We need a code sample to reproduce that issue then.

Simple code example that fails with "mwoauth-invalid-authorization-invalid-user" in a PAWS Jupyter workbook because there is a P18 property, but runs correctly in a standalone Pywikibot client...

import pywikibot
from pywikibot import pagegenerators as pg
querytxt = 'SELECT DISTINCT ?item WHERE { ?Joseph_von_Hammer_Purgstall wdt:P921 wd:Q89546, ?item. }'
wikidata_site = pywikibot.Site("wikidata", "wikidata")
generator = pg.WikidataSPARQLPageGenerator(querytxt, site=wikidata_site)
for item in generator:

Your code works for me in PAWS. I am probably registered in Commons automagically ....

The local Pywikibot works, even if it is an older version.
It is the PAWS Jupyter Pywikibot that does not work...

Public link for that notebook is The error shown in the public render is "WARNING: API error mwoauth-invalid-authorization-invalid-user: The authorization headers in your request are for a user that does not exist here" which at least at first glance seems to be more about the pywikibot credentials in use than the pywikibot library itself.

In both cases I am using exactly the same file and the same Pywikibot script.

I'm wondering if this is actually the bug. The Pywikibot integration with PAWS is designed to pass the OAuth grant information from PAWS through to Pywikibot. If @Geertivp's is messing with this somehow that could cause the "mwoauth-invalid-authorization-invalid-user" errors.

Simple code example that fails with "mwoauth-invalid-authorization-invalid-user" in a PAWS Jupyter workbook because there is a P18 property, but runs correctly in a standalone Pywikibot client...

import pywikibot
from pywikibot import pagegenerators as pg
querytxt = 'SELECT DISTINCT ?item WHERE { ?Joseph_von_Hammer_Purgstall wdt:P921 wd:Q89546, ?item. }'
wikidata_site = pywikibot.Site("wikidata", "wikidata")
generator = pg.WikidataSPARQLPageGenerator(querytxt, site=wikidata_site)
for item in generator:
    item.get() is this code sample run under my PAWS user which has an empty $HOME/

In both cases I am using exactly the same file and the same Pywikibot script.

I'm wondering if this is actually the bug. The Pywikibot integration with PAWS is designed to pass the OAuth grant information from PAWS through to Pywikibot. If @Geertivp's is messing with this somehow that could cause the "mwoauth-invalid-authorization-invalid-user" errors.

A note on this regarding my previous comment, I used the default in PAWS.

To me it seems that, even if a custom is present, the OAuth credentials are the ones set at the end of /srv/paws/

# If OAuth integration is available, take it
if 'CLIENT_ID' in os.environ:
    authenticate['*'] = (

but I do not know how CLIENT_ID is set in PAWS.

I have tried the following:

  • I have renamed to
  • I have created an empty

Same mwoauth-invalid-authorization-invalid-user error in both cases...

Could there be something wrong with my (Commons) user profile? Would my Commons user account possibly also require a bot status flag when P18 images are available for a WD item?

Could there be something wrong with my (Commons) user profile? Would my Commons user account possibly also require a bot status flag when P18 images are available for a WD item?

I have no bot status flag in wikidata or commons.

What puzzles me is that at the end of your script I am not even logged in.

for site in pywikibot._sites.values():
    print(site, site.username(), site.logged_in())

wikidata:wikidata Mpaa False
commons:commons Mpaa False
meta:meta Mpaa False
wikisource:fr Mpaa False
wikisource:it Mpaa False

Have you restarted PAWS when you made your last test? Maybe there was something cached in /srv/paws/apicache-py3

At the end of the script I have added the following credential status reporting:

for site in sorted(pywikibot._sites.values()):
    print(site, site.username(), site.is_oauth_token_available(), site.logged_in())

Result for standalone Pywikibot client:

commons:commons GeertivpBot False False
wikidata:wikidata GeertivpBot False True

Result for PAWS Pywikibot script:
commons:commons GeertivpBot True False
wikidata:wikidata GeertivpBot True False

There is clearly a difference in credential status between a standalone Pywikibot and the PAWS Pywikibot. This can explain the difference in behaviouw when (implicitly) accessing a P18 to Wikimedia Commons. The script is not intentionally accessing the P18 image.

T252306 would suggest that PAWS should use GET instead of POST. But it is not clear to me how to enforce that. It is suggesting a special OAuth setup in PAWS