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Colours of edit summary graph are inverted
Closed, ResolvedPublic1 Estimated Story Points


For the new Xtools beta, the graph is broken.

On Wikidata, I have 220000 edits with description. However, the colours of the graph are switched so it looks like I have made very few edit summaries.

error.PNG (162×427 px, 6 KB)

Event Timeline

PokestarFan created this task.
PokestarFan moved this task from incoming to monitoring on the Wikidata board.
Matthewrbowker lowered the priority of this task from Medium to Low.Jul 29 2017, 4:58 PM
Matthewrbowker moved this task from Backlog to General / other on the XTools board.
Matthewrbowker removed a project: Wikidata.
Matthewrbowker subscribed.

Hi, could you give the URL you were attempting to load?

Hi @PokestarFan. Please always provide steps to reproduce and follow by providing 1) steps to reproduce, 2) expected outcome, 3) actual outcome. Ideally, exact and clear steps to reproduce should allow any other person to follow these steps (without having to interpret those steps) and see the same results. Problems that others can reliably reproduce can get fixed faster. Thanks!

I believe the link is

Looking through just the last 2 pages of your contribs on Wikidata, I see several edits without summaries 1, 2, 3, 4. Are you sure there are not 437 total edits lacking an edit summary? This does not sound unreasonable to me. Note it is taking into account all edits (such as those to your userpage), not just edits in the mainspace.

Matthewrbowker added a project: DBA.

A quick Quarry look shows that you do indeed have 437 edits without summary. Link:

XTools is showing what it knows to be accurate data. I'm handing this over to the DBAs, as it appears the data is inaccurate within the database.

@PokestarFan if you have any additional details, now might be a good time to mention them. We're troubleshooting blind here.

So looks like the colours for summaries vs no summaries are inversed! I'm guessing that is what PokestarFan was referring to. Here we thought the numbers were being disputed :) This an easy fix and we'll get it out soon.

MusikAnimal renamed this task from Xtools Beta showing incorrect graph to Colours of edit summary graph are inverted.Jul 31 2017, 2:42 AM
MusikAnimal updated the task description. (Show Details)
MusikAnimal removed a project: DBA.
MusikAnimal moved this task from General / other to Working on the XTools board.
MusikAnimal set the point value for this task to 1.
MusikAnimal moved this task from Working to Pending Review on the XTools board.