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Set up a new logo on zh-classical.m.wikipedia (mobile version)
Closed, ResolvedPublic


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Does anybody know how to process this?

Is this $wgMobileFrontendLogo?

Urbanecm moved this task from Backlog to Config - to process on the Wikimedia-Site-requests board.

It's set from $wgMinervaCustomLogos (InitialiseSettings.php) and requires

'zh-classical' => [
    'copyright' => '[static path to png]',
    'copyright-width' => 80,
    'copyright-height' => 18,

I'll get this done over the weekend

Change 373956 had a related patch set uploaded (by Samtar; owner: Samtar):
[operations/mediawiki-config@master] Set up a new logo on zh-classical.m.wikipedia

Change 373956 abandoned by Samtar:
Set up a new logo on zh-classical.m.wikipedia


After some gnashing of teeth, this is set for deployment Monday, August 28 18:00–19:00 UTC

@vjudge404 pending deployment in a couple of minutes, could you remove the CSS override? I can test this has worked without the override though, so no rush :)

Deployed, and tested (inspected element, found reference to new logo). Please remove the CSS override and re-open this task if there's any issues

The CSS override has been removed. Thanks.