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Roll up content to bring forward: Steeping workshop
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Read and pull forward the contents of the notes from the Steeping workshop (the first in a series of 4). The contents include process suggestions, open questions, precursor solutions and new ideas toward addressing the findings of the research. This content is being brought forward to inform the next workshops as we will embark on deciding how to address, which findings from the research.

Event Timeline

aripstra moved this task from Backlog to In Progress on the Design-Research board.
aripstra added a project: Epic.

Rolled up all conversations and brought forward to the Focus and Concept generation workshops. The content included:

precursors (solutions already existing, or started and stopped ) and new ideas to address the new editor experiences findings.
feedback on workshop process
comments about the findings
open questions
requests for more research
a parking lot of conversations to continue as needed.