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Name missing: French Guiana
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For some reason, Guyana and French Guiana names aren't shown on the map.
(update: Guyana name had been removed on OSM, see comment below T181805#4639204)



Guyana.jpg (907×1 px, 167 KB)

French Guiana:

French Guiana.jpg (903×1 px, 249 KB)

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This looks like an issue with our current cartography. As we are working on a new cartography, I'm not sure it make sense to try to fix the current one. I could be completely wrong on that, @Pnorman knows best!

Mattflaschen-WMF renamed this task from Country names missing: Guyana and French Guiana to Names missing: Guyana and French Guiana.Jan 31 2018, 10:41 PM

Guyana is a sovereign state (country), but French Guiana is part of France.

The screenshots above highlights an area that is claimed by Venezuela, see:

I recommend you to take into account this document to label the new cartography.

This is a bug, but we're not clear on if it's a data issue, a style issue, or what the style issue is, so it needs more triage.

Pnorman triaged this task as Medium priority.Jul 10 2018, 4:31 PM
Pnorman edited projects, added Maps (Maps-data); removed Maps (Kartotherian).

This is most likely a data issue, so tagging it accordingly. It still needs investigation.

With respect to French Guiana, @Mattflaschen-WMF is correct about why the name isn't displayed. French Guiana ( is considered in OSM to be a "state" as it's an overseas department of France, and "state" names aren't displayed at all in osm-bright, the current Wikimedia map style. (Similarly, for example, U.S. state and Canadian province names are also not displayed on at any zoom level).

I still need to figure out what's going on with Guyana.

I should also note that this will be automatically resolved if and when we ever deploy the brighmed style.

This issue doesn't appear to be unique to our tile server. This unrelated tile server showcasing osm-bright also never displays Guyana's name:

This issue doesn't appear to be unique to our tile server. This unrelated tile server showcasing osm-bright also never displays Guyana's name:

Someone had deleted Guyana's label node, see OSM history browser. Now that I restored the node it displays again for zoom levels/languages that have been updated, e.g. for French Wikipedia example above.

The_RedBurn renamed this task from Names missing: Guyana and French Guiana to Name missing: French Guiana.Oct 4 2018, 1:04 PM
The_RedBurn updated the task description. (Show Details)

Guyana label displays now and French Guiana label is not supposed to display per T181805#4610263. So it seems that in its current form this task can be closed.