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Analysis: search relevance test #4
Closed, DeclinedPublic


Once the A/B test criteria has been established and the test run, we'll need to analyze the results.

Event Timeline

debt triaged this task as Medium priority.Dec 15 2017, 7:35 PM
debt created this task.

@debt: same as with T183028 can you please update the description if this is still something that will need to be worked on? It looks like this is supposed to happen after T176428 (if that ever happens?) but that's not an A/B test, so what is the requested deliverable?

And if there are no future plans to forward with T176428, can you please close this ticket? Thanks!

Thanks for the note, @mpopov - I'll close this one for now and we'll reopen it when we're ready to test again. :) However, I'll keep the parent ticket open for now T176428.