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check eventlog1002 production network cable
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I went to install eventlog1002 today, and I see the following when it hits install1002:

Feb  1 19:00:09 install1002 dhcpd: DHCPDISCOVER from 14:18:77:5b:0d:42 via network no free leases
Feb  1 19:00:09 install1002 dhcpd: DHCPDISCOVER from 14:18:77:5b:0d:42 via network no free leases

Checking its network port, it shows down. It shouldn't be able to hit dhcp at all. All of this is checked on asw2-d-eqiad.

Interface       Admin Link Description
ge-3/0/32       up    down eventlog1002

Double checking the mac of eventlog1002:

NIC.Embedded.1-1-1      Ethernet                = 14:18:77:5B:0D:42

So then my next step is to check if its on the right port. Using some juniper commands to check mac info. If a system routes through the switch's switching table, it gets added.

robh@asw2-d-eqiad> show ethernet-switching table interface ge-3/0/32 

MAC database for interface ge-3/0/32

MAC database for interface ge-3/0/32.0

No entires for that port, so eventlog1002 is likely plugged into another port. Tryign to find it with just show ethernet-switching table doesn't show ANY entry for the mac address for eventlog1002. This is confusing to me, since my understanding is if its passing through the stack, it gets added to the switching table.

I suppose the first step is on-site tracing of eventlog1002 production network to see where it plugs in. Our switch config shows it on asw2-d-eqiad:ge-3/0/32, set in the private1-d-eqiad vlan.

Event Timeline

RobH triaged this task as Medium priority.Feb 1 2018, 7:19 PM
RobH created this task.

I verified the cable, checked and noticed NIC1 PXE was disabled. Enabled and disabled NIC3 from PXE, rebooted the server. I see the attempt to get an image but no offers received

ge-3/0/32 up up eventlog1002

CLIENT MAC ADDR: 14 18 77 5B 0D 42 GUID: 4C4C4544-004C-4610-8043-B4C04F464232
PXE-E51: No DHCP or proxyDHCP offers were received.

Is this correct?

host eventlog1002 {
    hardware ethernet 14:18:77:5B:0D:42;
    fixed-address eventlog1001.eqiad.wmnet;

Change 407675 had a related patch set uploaded (by Elukey; owner: Elukey):
[operations/puppet@production] Fix eventlog1002's dhcp configuration

Change 407675 merged by RobH:
[operations/puppet@production] Fix eventlog1002's dhcp configuration

Chris got this working earlier today, resolving.