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Request to disable 2FA on wiki account for Céréales Killer
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I have replaced my smartphone with a new one and when I opened Google Authenticator to connect to my main account "Céréales Killer", I have not got the Wikimedia section with my 2FA codes. And I don't have the one-time tokens to access to my global account. I would like to reset the 2FA to be able to set it up on my new phone... Is it possible to find a way to recover my account? Or is it definitely lost?
Thank for your help...

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Peachey88 subscribed.

@CK The Support and Safety team are the ones that will be able to assist with this.

Did you happen to record your scratch codes somewhere? as these can be used to reset 2FA

Nope. I do not remember for these "scratch codes". I have looked into my laptop but unsuccessful :(

Well you will need to probably post a method of confirming your ID for sure on here and email ca (at) stuff like committed ID answer as per wikitech. Adding James Alexander and Joe Sutherland since they seem to be the ones who handle this.

Sau226 renamed this task from Loss of Google Authenticator to Request to disable 2FA for Céréales Killer.Mar 27 2018, 10:44 AM
Sau226 updated the task description. (Show Details)

You can check my IP Address (set since almost 20 years). If will send it directly to to prevent all security issues.
I am using my CerKill account on Wikipedia for now. I had to create a CK account to access Phabricator.

I suggest that you email ca@wikimedia through the email linked to your account. In the past they have remove 2FA from people who can do that when there is no other way apart from IRC. Reference this task in the email so they know that it is a real task.

Hi, Sau226, I have yet wrote twice to ca@wikimedia with my usual e-mail address connected to my account. I am waiting for any answer ;) I will send a third time the e-mail with this task number. Thanks!

Aklapper renamed this task from Request to disable 2FA for Céréales Killer to Request to disable 2FA on wiki account for Céréales Killer.Mar 27 2018, 12:38 PM
jrbs triaged this task as High priority.Mar 27 2018, 5:11 PM
jrbs moved this task from Backlog to Support on the Trust-and-Safety board.
jrbs claimed this task.
foks@terbium:~$ mwscript extensions/OATHAuth/maintenance/disableOATHAuthForUser.php --wiki=frwiki "Céréales Killer"
OATHAuth disabled for Céréales Killer.

Should be good now.

Correct! Thank you very much for all this work. I have saved the page with the QR code and the one-time tokens is secure place...

Connected with my main account. It is better :)