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[Spike] Investigate ChromeLikeTabSwitcher component
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Let's look at this third-party library and see if we can plug it in as a replacement for our current (severely limited) tab functionality:

Event Timeline

Change 447002 had a related patch set uploaded (by Cooltey; owner: Cooltey):
[apps/android/wikipedia@new_tab] [SPIKE][WIP] ChromeLikeTab implement

Change 447002 abandoned by Cooltey:
[SPIKE][WIP] ChromeLikeTab library integration

hi @cooltey @Dbrant - what was the result of this spike? I am wondering if there is room to explore improving the tabs since there are a buggy elements in both prototypes.

Actual tabs view from Prototype 2:

image.png (1×1 px, 400 KB)

  • Fake shadow exposed in the tab stack – seen in the top left and right corners of tab stack, and the fact that there is no shadow cast on the left and right of the tabs
  • cut-off app bar shown in the top most tab (Empire State Building article)

Basically, can we review which of the following tabs subtasks outlined in T195335 could be tackled as part of this release instead of languishing in the backlog:

  • Update and amend article tabs design:
    • Simplify the tab structure from 3 separate elements per tab to a single layer per tab [T176014]
    • Active tab body should scroll with tab headers [T112980] - this may be fixed by the above change
    • Update the toolbar icons and overflow options in the "exploded tabs" view
    • Ensure tabs are dismissable by swiping when in exploded tab view [T103955]
    • Allow users to move between tabs when swiping left and right in the top toolbar area (similar to mobile browsers like Chrome) - see request on;TicketID=10730591
      • Show actual number of tabs open using an updated tab icon as background [T150462]
    • When swiping down in the top toolbar area, expose all tabs (similar to mobile browsers like Chrome) [T113369]
    • Add "Undo close tab" toast [T158082]


The library is still in the working progress and still have some components need to be optimized by the owner.

It contains a lot of customized codes that we don't actually need, but the animations and the ideas of showing tabs are good examples for us to learn.

Change 458548 had a related patch set uploaded (by Dbrant; owner: Dbrant):
[apps/android/wikipedia@master] [HYPER WIP]: Further experiments with tabs.

Found another example:

It uses ViewPager + CardViews + Fragments

Change 458548 merged by jenkins-bot:
[apps/android/wikipedia@master] Tabs, and more tabs.