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Blubber: Web From: Generate a Wikibase Docker Compose file
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As an interested part in Wikibase I want to be able to generate a docker compose file in order to install a wikibase without knowing all the ins and outs of the configuration

Installing a fresh Wikibase needs a lot of knowledge and also requires docker knowledge and yml editing

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It looks like there are some issue with this.

The generate docker-compose file should not contain the "build" part for any of the services.

For example:

    context: ./wdqs-frontend/latest
    dockerfile: Dockerfile

As then the docker-compose file can't be used without downloading a bunch of other stuff:

$ dc up
ERROR: build path C:\Users\adam\Downloads\Chrome\wikibase\1.30\bundle either does not exist, is not accessible, or is not a valid URL.

The above issue has been fixed in

Looks like the generated files now work for me:

$ dc up
Creating network "chrome_default" with the default driver
Creating volume "chrome_mediawiki-mysql-data" with default driver
Creating volume "chrome_mediawiki-images-data" with default driver
Creating volume "chrome_query-service-data" with default driver
Creating chrome_wdqs_1 ...
Creating chrome_mysql_1 ...
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