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QA the no-JS experience of Partial Blocks by filing all defects in Phab
Closed, ResolvedPublic3 Estimated Story Points

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TBolliger renamed this task from Ensure the no-JS experience of Partial Blocks is up to our standards by fixing or filing all defects in Phab to QA the no-JS experience of Partial Blocks by filing all defects in Phab.Feb 21 2019, 7:35 PM
TBolliger assigned this task to dom_walden.
TBolliger set the point value for this task to 3.

With JS, a number of checkboxes become disabled depending on the block parameters entered in the form. Obviously this doesn't happen without JS, which can make the experience misleading (e.g. T227199#5321559).

I believe all known defects with Partial blocks have been filed already. @dom_walden would you like this to be kept open?

I believe all known defects with Partial blocks have been filed already. @dom_walden would you like this to be kept open?

I think you are right. I will move into done and resolved.

I briefly retested Special:Block with JS disabled, on Safari 10 and IE11, just in case. Concentrated on how the form validated input. I could see no problems.