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remove sitelink groups from Wikibase Registry
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The Wikibase Registry still shows the Wikimedia-specific sitelink groups. They are not needed there and look bad. Let's remove them.

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Dear @Lydia_Pintscher , may I suggest tot keep the sitelink functionality on Wikibase Registry?
I do not completely agree that sitelink are not needed: I would point out that sitelink would help in getting more information on a specific item, without duplicating information, but easily linked them on Wikipedia and other sister projects wikis.
You are totally right they looks ugly now, but this is simply because they are not properly configured.

I would take care of fixing them (or removing, if there are really no alternatives), but I am unsure how to so.
Is WB registry handled on Gerrit? Or how can I modify the configuration files and - possibly - the sites table?

Thanks for any hints you might provide


Could you please clarify what you'd specifically want to use them for on the Wikibase Registry? Because linking to Wikipedia or other Wikimedia projects like it is done on Wikidata is not possible there.

Could you please clarify what you'd specifically want to use them for on the Wikibase Registry?

I would like to link the site to relevant sites on other Wikimedia projects.

Because linking to Wikipedia or other Wikimedia projects like it is done on Wikidata is not possible there.

I understand this is not possible now, but isn't this only a matter of configuration?
Shouldn't we simply set the sites table and corresponding lines in configuration files to make it works?
I mean, Wikibase Registry is a regular MediaWiki instance with Wikibase extension and we should be able to configure SiteLinks functionality the usual way, or am I wrong here?

Thanks for explaining


Harej subscribed.

Wikibase Registry has been closed in favor of hosted on Wikibase.Cloud.