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Create research-alerts mailing list
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Please create a mailing list called research-alerts. Research needs it for getting alerts from Oozie, but in the future we can use it for other kinds of machine generated alerts.

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Do you want the full features of mailman with user subscription and archives and your own list admins, listinfo page etc?

Or do you just want a simple mail alias that forwards to a group of WMF people?

If it's the latter i would recommend having OIT do this on the Google side.

@Dzahn thanks. Turns out a Google group needs at least one member besides the admin. The only person who will use this mailing list is me for now. For this reason let's go with mailman.

@bmansurov - just an FYI - I could be the one member for now - then when other folks begin to populate the group, you may remove me. This way - I can create the list ASAP. Let me know how you'd like to move forward on this.

@bmansurov - can you please reply to that ticket and I will confirm on that thread when this group has been completed.

Dzahn claimed this task.

cool, looks like we can close it here as resolved then