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VE leaves <br> when deleting a text at the beginning of the page
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On cswiki we encounter like 30 articles per month, which are starting with <br>. It seems that this is included, when someone removes the text at the beginning of the page, see e.g. 1 or 2.

You can search our articles beginning with HTML tag maintenance list for other examples (see the last update for example)

Event Timeline

Dvorapa renamed this task from When deleting a text at the beginning of the page, VE replaces it by <br> to When deleting a text at the beginning of the page, VE replaces it with <br>.Apr 1 2019, 10:45 AM
This comment was removed by Dvorapa.
Dvorapa renamed this task from When deleting a text at the beginning of the page, VE replaces it with <br> to VE leaves <br> when deleting a text at the beginning of the page.EditedApr 1 2019, 10:51 AM

Perhaps even more than 30 per month, but many are fixed before the maintenance list is updated.

BTW perhaps has something to do with Infoboxes/other top templates?

JTannerWMF added subscribers: ssastry, JTannerWMF.

Hey @ssastry we believe this is a task for the Parsoid team and a duplicate of one @matmarex mentioned above.

Hey @ssastry we believe this is a task for the Parsoid team and a duplicate of one @matmarex mentioned above.

I think there is some unresolved confusion around whether this is a Parsoid fix or a VE fix .... I'll chat with matmarex on irc and resolve this. But, if this turns out to be something that Parsoid needs to do, given that we are currently in porting mode, we won't prioritize this unless this is a high priority fix needed by VE.

ssastry triaged this task as Medium priority.Apr 22 2019, 1:23 PM
ssastry edited projects, added Parsoid-Edit-Support; removed Parsoid.