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"Recent changes count" setting works for next page button but not for the number of edits to display in User contributions page on mobile
Closed, ResolvedPublic


If I set Special:Preferences > Recent changes > "Number of edits to show in recent changes, page histories, and in logs, by default:" to 1000, clicking "older 50" (next page) button in User contributions on mobile will take me to next 1000 edits, but the number of edit displayed is still 50.
In the other words. Visit User contributions page will get recently 1~50 edits. Then clicking "older 50" button. You will get recently 1001~1050 edits.


  1. Set Special:Preferences > Recent changes > "Number of edits to show in recent changes, page histories, and in logs, by default:" to 1000
  2. Visit . You will get recently 1~50 edits.
  3. Then click "older 50". You will get recently 1001~1050 edits.

I don't know how to clearly describe this problem. If you understand me, feel free to change the title and description.

Developer notes

Contributions page is a different page altogether and will only be fixed when it's not or if more development is pushed into the mobile versions of these pages.

Event Timeline

Jdlrobson triaged this task as Lowest priority.Jul 26 2021, 7:14 PM
Jdlrobson subscribed.

This is unlikely to be fixed. We recommend using the advanced mobile mode setting in the settings page.

The mobile enhancement can be disabled on a per wiki basis using wgMFUseDesktopContributionsPage'

Jdlrobson claimed this task.

The MobileContributions page has been removed. The desktop version of the page will be shown instead after train deployment commencing the week beginning Feb 7th.