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Update the membership form about membership pricing
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Update the membership form with info about possibility to pay more for the membership.

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Jopparn moved this task from Backlog to Evelina on the User-Evelina-Bang-WMSE board.

On the first page add "från 100 kr per år". On the second page add info about the extra money will be added to the membership budget.

It's not possible to change the text on the first page, it's set in the system.

Also, when I started looking into this, I thought that it would create confusion. If the membership fee is "from 100 SEK", what you expect is that there are different membership fees for students, children or retired people, and you wouldn't be sure about what the minimum amount you have to pay is.

We could put information on the page a member sees when they log in, but it appears that you only see that page once you have paid the membership fee. @Lokal_Profil is this correct? When I'm logged in to my account, I can see that we've added a link to the membership details in larger text, but I can't see that link on the test account I created today.

We could put information on the page a member sees when they log in, but it appears that you only see that page once you have paid the membership fee. @Lokal_Profil is this correct? When I'm logged in to my account, I can see that we've added a link to the membership details in larger text, but I can't see that link on the test account I created today.

I believe that is correct. The thinking is that there might be information which you should not have access to until you are a "confirmed" member

The suggestion from the board is to have this changed at the next AGA. Seeötesprotokoll/Protokoll_2020-03-14#Årsmöte_2020 "Medlemsavgift 2021: Styrelsen föreslår årsmötet besluta att fastställa medlemsavgiften till 100 kr för privatpersoner, 500 kr för stödmedlemskap och 5 000 kr för organisationsmedlemmar, vilket innebär en höjning av medlemsavgiften för organisationsmedlemskap från 1 000 kr. Styrelsen föreslår vidare att medlemsavgifter inbetalade i sista kvartalet skall gälla även nästkommande år."

We need to re-surface this after the AGA, in addition to solving this task there are a number of other places where membership price needs to be updated (Zynatic, our wiki, homepage ,etc.)

Sadly the removal of "minst" got lost during the discussions in the AGA and the final decision kept that text. I've checked with the board if they are planning on suggesting it's removal again at this AGA.

@Jopparn Do you know if the board will raise the proposal of removing the word "minst" in the membership fee for the General Meeting this year?

Lokal_Profil claimed this task.

The "at least" part of the price was dropped during the 2022 AGM