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RFC: Core REST API namespace and version
Closed, ResolvedPublic


This proposal is to implement a namespace and version policy for routes in the MediaWiki REST API.


This RFC is intended to alleviate the following issues:

  • APIs change and develop over time. We'd like a way to indicate that the API has had a change that is backwards-incompatible.
  • Extensions are able to expose new API endpoints. They should not conflict with core endpoints, existing or future, nor should they conflict with other extensions.

Proposed solution

In general, routes exposed as part of the REST API in MediaWiki by T229661 should follow this pattern:

/v<version>/<rest of path>

Here version is the major part of the semantic version of the API interface (not MediaWiki!). As is typical for semantic versions, minor version numbers should be incremented when backwards-compatible changes are made (usually additional endpoints or fields in result objects), and major version numbers should be incremented when breaking changes are made.

(The minor version is not part of the path, but will be noted in documentation.)

For all the routes exposed by MediaWiki core we'll use the initial API version '1.0'.

rest of path is the RESTful path for the endpoint, like <type>/<id> or <type>/<id>/<attribute>. An example path:


Endpoints that have been deprecated because a new endpoint provides the same functionality better will have the Deprecation header set.

For REST API endpoints provided by extensions, the pattern will be:

/<component>/<rest of path>

Here, component is an URL-friendly string (short, lowercase Latin alphabet preferred) identifying the component that provides the API. This will usually be a lower-cased version of an extension name, like 'confirmedit' or 'popups'. It should not match the "v<digits>" pattern.

rest of path is up to the extension to decide. However, a version prefix for the extensions API version, independent of the core API version, is recommended since it is helpful to client developers. Extensions are developed independently so they should be able to change the versions of their API interfaces independently, also. For example,

/<component>/v<component major version>/<rest of path>

Interface strategy implications

Including a major semantic version number in the path of API calls dampens the rate of breaking changes and rearchitecture in the interface. APIs that use this technique are often append-only for the lifetime of a major version. That is, new endpoints are added and new properties of existing objects are added, but nothing is deleted from the interface.

Consider, for example, an API at version 1.0 with endpoints A, B, and C, each of which returns a JSON object with a number of properties a1, a2, ...

  • Endpoint A: properties a1, a2, a3
  • Endpoint B: b1, b2, b3
  • Endpoint C: c1, c2, c3

If additional information is needed by the client for Endpoint B, a new property can be added, and a new version 1.1 released:

  • A: a1, a2, a3
  • B: b1, b2, b3, b4
  • C: c1, c2, c3

Note that this is backwards compatible. A client application that was developed for API version 1.0 will still run and all the properties and endpoints it expects to find will still be there.

We can also add new endpoints, so that version 1.2 with new functionality at endpoint D looks like:

  • A: a1, a2, a3
  • B: b1, b2, b3, b4
  • C: c1, c2, c3
  • D: d1, d2, d3

Again, we've maintained backwards compatibility with previous 1.x minor versions.

If property a3 is of the wrong type (say, it's a string and should be an array) or the property name is misspelled or unclear (we have user_id instead of actor_id), instead of removing it and breaking backwards compatibility, we can add another property a4 with the right type and name, and deprecate property a3 in the documentation, so the interface version 1.3 is:

  • A: a1, a2, a3 <deprecated>, a4
  • B: b1, b2, b3, b4
  • C: c1, c2, c3
  • D: d1, d2, d3

Programs using the older 1.x interface definitions will continue to run correctly, even if they access a deprecated property.

It may happen that adding a duplicate property is too heavyweight at run-time (for example, we're renaming a property containing the full wikitext for an article, hundreds of thousands of bytes). In this case, it makes sense to add a new endpoint with the correct properties. If we did this with endpoint C, we'd add a new endpoint E, and deprecate C, making version 1.4:

  • A: a1, a2, a3 <deprecated>, a4
  • B: b1, b2, b3, b4
  • C <deprecated>: c1, c2, c3
  • D: d1, d2, d3
  • E: e1, e2, e3

Again, programs depending on older interface definitions will continue to run correctly, even if they access a deprecated endpoint.

At some point, the collective drag of supporting and maintaining the deprecated endpoints and properties might be too much. Or, there might be a major rearchitecture of the underlying platform that we want to expose, or a security issue that can't be solved without removing a property entirely (say, for example, property d3 leaks user passwords, so adding property d4 and deprecating property d3 wouldn't fix the problem). At this point, we would create a new major version, 2.0, and drop all the deprecated properties and endpoints:

  • A: a1, a2, a4
  • B: b1, b2, b3, b4
  • D: d1, d2, d4
  • E: e1, e2, e3

The API endpoints here would be prefixed with /v2/ . Whether or not we continue to support /v1/ endpoints for some bounded period depends on the nature of the change (in case of a security problem, probably not), the amount of traffic we get to the API, and so on. It probably does not make sense to decide that at this time.

Unstable or experimental interfaces

Unstable or experimental interfaces should be implemented in extensions. Once the interface is stable, the same routes can be mounted in the main, stable namespace.

So, an endpoint for playing audio files could be at:


The endpoint could be changed without backwards compatibility because it has a "0" for its major version. So, the same functionality might move to:


Once the interface has stabilized, it can either stay in the extension, maybe with a 1.x semantic version:


Or it could be moved to the core routes namespace, if it's part of core:


From this point, it must retain backwards-compatibility or else cause a major version change in the core API.

Versions and namespaces in other APIs

For comparison, these are URL patterns for some other APIs that client developers may be familiar with.

APINamespaceVersionExample root
RESTBasedomain name by projectmajor version in path
Stripenonemajor version in path, additional version by date in custom header
Twitter APIdomain name (api, upload, ads-api, ...)major.minor version in path
Facebooknoneoptional major.minor version
Twiliononedate-based version
Googledomain name (maps, googleads, ...)major version in path
Appledomain name (appstoreconnect, ...)major version in path
Ubernonemajor.minor in path
Sendgridnonemajor version in path
Amazon Web Services (AWS)domain name (ec2, s3, ...)varies, usually date as "Version" parameter
Microsoft Graphnonemajor.minor in path

Event Timeline

There are a very large number of changes, so older changes are hidden. Show Older Changes

I thought it might help to compare some other APIs and how they handle versioning and namespacing.

APINamespaceVersionExample root
RESTBasedomain name by projectmajor version in path
Stripenonemajor version in path, additional version by date in custom header
Twitter APIdomain name (api, upload, ads-api, ...)major.minor version in path
Facebooknoneoptional major.minor version
Twiliononedate-based version
Googledomain name (maps, googleads, ...)major version in path
Appledomain name (appstoreconnect, ...)major version in path
Ubernonemajor.minor in path
Sendgridnonemajor version in path
Amazon Web Services (AWS)domain name (ec2, s3, ...)varies, usually date as "Version" parameter
Microsoft Graphnonemajor.minor in path

Given these examples, ideally I'd like to do a namespace in the URL, like "" or "". However, for the API that goes out with MediaWiki, we can't mess with the domain name, so the easier solution is a namespace prefix as close to the domain name as possible, like "/core/" or "/your-extension/".

For the version, it seems like "v<major>" is the main pattern, although I was surprised to see so many major.minor versions. I think that "v<major>" will be fine for us.

I have not seen any APIs that include different versions for different components in the path. I see the value in @tstarling 's design, but I agree with @Anomie that this is confusing for the developer.

A common pattern in REST APIs is to define a single "root URL" that all the other paths descend from. "The root URL for the API" is a common definition in client libraries. The complexity of namespaces and versions are stuck in that root URL, and don't clutter up the client code. Constructing URLs consists of concatenating the root URL definition with a resource path, like "/revision/12345". We should probably stick with that as a design pattern.

For T231338, we'll use "/core/v0" unless there are strenuous objections. I'll prepare an RFC for answering the general question. Hopefully we can balance flexibility on the implementation side with pragmatism for making client developers' lives easier.

I think this task should be an RFC. It proposes a set of public endpoints which will inevitably be used by clients other than iOS. It proposes a path scheme which implies a trivial extension (v0 -> v1) to a permanent, official, public API. It proposes introducing a /core namespace despite contrary views on that point.

tstarling renamed this task from Namespace and version to Core REST API namespace and version.Sep 17 2019, 11:05 PM

I would request to have the language code as part of API path than in the domain name. It is an important semantic value affecting API output. Having it in domain name as in has mutliple issues that became obvious while writing apis to host at and at the same. See and

May be out of scope for this discussion: But having the rest apis only at a single place instead of 292 domains is my wish-simplifies documentation, discoverability of our apis

Krinkle renamed this task from Core REST API namespace and version to RFC: Core REST API namespace and version.Sep 18 2019, 8:35 PM

Having the language or domain in the path would be very difficult to do within MediaWiki. Configuration based on language and project has already happened by the time the REST router is called. At Wikimedia sites, this "configuration" includes selection of the particular deployment branch to use. Changing all that would be difficult to say the least.

It could potentially be done on Wikimedia sites with routing magic that turns "https:/‍/‍wikipedia‍/‍en‍/resty/path/params" into "https:/‍/‍" internally, or MWMultiVersion magic like that used for /w/thumb.php on I believe that's outside the scope of this task, as I believe this task concerns just the "/resty/path/params" bits of those URLs.

@santhosh it's out of scope for this discussion. We're also considering a new service for aggregating REST API endpoints for all the projects under a single virtual server, like[mp] In this case, we'd have language and project in the path, like for a travel guide to Lisbon in English.

The current discussion is about the REST API in MediaWiki, which would be exposed for all the projects as well as in third-party MediaWiki sites.

@Krinkle @daniel So, I guess this is an RFC now? What do I need to do next?

@eprodromou I'd recommend updating the task description to have the problem statement and desired outcome stand out, e.g. in their own section (neither about a specific solution/proposal yet). Optionally, a summary of one or more proposed solutions can also be placed under a heading each, but thats not needed per-se at this stage.

Discussing this proposal on Tuesday with Tim, he strongly objected to having the word "core" in the prefix, since none of the other APIs referenced above have the word "core" in them. So, I've removed the "core" from the proposal.

Since we're proposing this for full discussion, I've changed the version from 0 to 1, so we don't have to go through this exercise again. As an added benefit, many of the other APIs have "/v1/" as a prefix, so it should trigger everyone's pattern-recognition.

Discussing this proposal on Tuesday with Tim, he strongly objected to having the word "core" in the prefix, since none of the other APIs referenced above have the word "core" in them. So, I've removed the "core" from the proposal.

None of the others have an ecosystem of 3rd party server side extensions, like we do...

@Krinkle @daniel So, I guess this is an RFC now? What do I need to do next?

TechCom has penciled this in for a public IRC meeting on #wikimedia-office next Wednesday, 2pm PDT, 23:00 CEST, 21:00 UTC. @eprodromou would you be available at that time? If not, we can reschedule.

@daniel sounds great, I'll be there!

None of the others have an ecosystem of 3rd party server side extensions, like we do...

Nope. A lot of them have different components that are namespaced in the domain name; Twitter, Facebook, Google all use this. I don't think that's feasible for the MediaWiki REST API, however.

TechCom has penciled this in for a public IRC meeting on #wikimedia-office next Wednesday, 2pm PDT, 23:00 CEST, 21:00 UTC. @eprodromou would you be available at that time? If not, we can reschedule.

Great! I'm in.

I added a section with some detailed explanation of how semantic versions work for APIs. For people who haven't built public APIs before, the strategy can seem a little strange ("Why can't I just make whatever changes I want, whenever I want?"), so I went into some detail.

There are a couple of Open Source and extension-related issues that aren't covered here.

  1. Anybody can hack the source and change their third-party MediaWiki site to have different core API endpoints or behaviour of those endpoints. That's out of our hands, and it's up to the third-party to decide what they want to do about versions.
  2. By convention we're asking extensions to use a namespace, but we don't have a technical way right now to prevent them from adding endpoints in the "main" namespace.
  3. If we add hooks to API endpoints, extensions might modify the behaviour of those endpoints so they aren't backwards-compatible. I'm not sure how to engineer for that: either don't add hooks, or have a social convention to stay compatible, or when we put hooks in, make sure they don't allow breaking changes.
  1. By convention we're asking extensions to use a namespace, but we don't have a technical way right now to prevent them from adding endpoints in the "main" namespace.

I doubt it's worth the complexity. This seems like the sort of thing that should be handled by code review, not code.

  1. If we add hooks to API endpoints, extensions might modify the behaviour of those endpoints so they aren't backwards-compatible. I'm not sure how to engineer for that: either don't add hooks, or have a social convention to stay compatible, or when we put hooks in, make sure they don't allow breaking changes.

Note that the hooks may be in the business logic used by the API endpoints, rather than in the endpoints themselves. Although those seem less likely to be able to modify API behavior in incompatible ways.

For that matter, the business logic itself changing could also unexpectedly break an API endpoint.

I did propose a technical way to encourage extensions to use a prefix at T221177#5142785, but it was shouted down. The opposing view was that extensions can and should register additional actions which relate to resources provided by core. This is what I described above, at T232485#5486509, but it was first proposed by @Tgr at T221177#5145523.

I can see arguments in favour of enforcing each extension to have their own namespace for APIs, in terms of maintainability, and code modularization. It would also make it easier to undeploy an extension and provide an easy documentation of the change to our users: "namespace someextension is gone".

On the other hand, I'm mostly an user of the API, so I can try to provide the point of view of someone who is more or less a third-party user.

I'd expect to find all API endpoints exposed under a structure that is consistent.

So for instance I'd expect to find the basic metadata about a revision at a url like`$prefix/revision/<ID>, its content at $prefix/revision/<ID>/content` and its corresponding ORES score at some url like $prefix/revision/<ID>/score, or some variation upon what I just described.

It would look like a much friendlier interface to interact with rather than having to call $prefix/score/vX/revision/<ID>. I don't want to know that this is an extension to the core api - that's an inner implementation detail of the software to me.

My version of the URL lacks the major version information for the specific api. That could be provided in the request as a Header or part of the request data but - do we need to provide that kind of independence to extension authors?

I would also see the use for experimental endpoints having a separate namespace under /alpha or /beta in production, to allow developers a fast iteration on features that might be completely removed (alpha) or break compatibility (beta) before being added to the stable API.

@Joe I think that's definitely a downside to having extensions write into their own namespace.

I don't see a way to have it both ways.

@Joe I think that's definitely a downside to having extensions write into their own namespace.

I don't see a way to have it both ways.

Why not, actually? Extensions could be free to do either: add something to a prefix owned by core and follow core's versioning, or define their own "root", and control their own versioning. A single extension could even do both, e.g. offer custom actions under its own "root", and add some properties under the revision endpoint.

@Joe I think that's definitely a downside to having extensions write into their own namespace.

I don't see a way to have it both ways.

Why not, actually? Extensions could be free to do either: add something to a prefix owned by core and follow core's versioning, or define their own "root", and control their own versioning. A single extension could even do both, e.g. offer custom actions under its own "root", and add some properties under the revision endpoint.

Sorry, I might not have been very clear in my comment above. Of course an extensions /should/ be able to define its own namespaces- but I think API consistency should be encouraged as much as possible.

Since we're proposing this for full discussion, I've changed the version from 0 to 1, so we don't have to go through this exercise again. As an added benefit, many of the other APIs have "/v1/" as a prefix, so it should trigger everyone's pattern-recognition.

In my understanding, this would mean we don't deploy experimental endpoints under v1, and we guarantee the stability of anything deployed under that prefix. I thought that's what we were trying to avoid? In my understanding, this would imply having RFCs for the endpoints we put there.

I've updated the proposal with an explanation of how to deploy unstable or experimental interfaces.

eprodromou updated the task description. (Show Details)
eprodromou updated the task description. (Show Details)

@Nikerabbit I also added a note that the minor version only shows up in documentation.

I've talked with @Joe on IRC about his objections to this RFC. I think he would be prepared to accept the RFC with the following changes:

  • Allow a route to be marked "deprecated". This would correspond with the "deprecated" flag in the OpenAPI operationObject spec. When a route is deprecated, responses would carry a deprecation warning. It could follow the example of the warning array in the Action API.
  • Also allow a route to be marked "internal". This is by analogy with the internal flag in the Action API. In the Action API, the internal flag does not add a warning, it only causes a notice to be added to the documentation.

As a side note - having the process of graduating resources from unstable status to published in core in the way described above can work, but we will have realistically to have both working for some amount of time during at least the transition of internal clients.

I would like the timeframe for such a transition to be clearly defined, at least as an order of magnitude (minutes? months?).

As a side note - having the process of graduating resources from unstable status to published in core in the way described above can work, but we will have realistically to have both working for some amount of time during at least the transition of internal clients.

I would like the timeframe for such a transition to be clearly defined, at least as an order of magnitude (minutes? months?).

Let's take an example of the iOS history API we're working on. I'd probably suggest that we would keep the unstable version available, after the stable version was established, for long enough that a major percentage of our users upgraded. So, I don't know, maybe something like 6 months to a year?

@tstarling can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think providing the exact same functionality from two different endpoints would be relatively easy to do. Tim, we'd just need to map the same route handler to two different routes, correct? So something like this to support both /greetings/v0/user/{userName}/hello and /v1/user/{userName}/hello:

"RestRoutes": [
    "method": "GET",
    "path": "/greetings/v0/user/{userName}/hello",
    "class": "HelloHandler",
    "parameters": [
        "name": "userName",
        "in": "path",
        "required": true,
        "type": "string"
    "method": "GET",
    "path": "/v1/user/{userName}/hello",
    "class": "HelloHandler",
    "parameters": [
        "name": "userName",
        "in": "path",
        "required": true,
        "type": "string"

Not ideal, but I think it's a relatively minor maintenance burden...?

  • Allow a route to be marked "deprecated". This would correspond with the "deprecated" flag in the OpenAPI operationObject spec. When a route is deprecated, responses would carry a deprecation warning. It could follow the example of the warning array in the Action API.

Sure. I don't love putting that data into the response, but it would be fine as a header. In REST APIs, the result is the thing, and putting a "warning" property into the output for fetching a revision doesn't make sense; the revision doesn't have a "warning" property. That's in contrast to RPC-style APIs like the Action API.

Is there a reason we want to send deprecation info to the end user? It would make more sense to send it to the developer, right?

When we have API keys working, we could notify developers whose apps are using deprecated API endpoints by email, say, and give them instructions on how to upgrade. (Not on every API call, of course.)

  • Also allow a route to be marked "internal". This is by analogy with the internal flag in the Action API. In the Action API, the internal flag does not add a warning, it only causes a notice to be added to the documentation.

Sure. Again, would we send this info to the end user, rather than the developer?

Is there a reason we want to send deprecation info to the end user? It would make more sense to send it to the developer, right?

Immediate feedback when the end user is also the developer.

When we have API keys working, we could notify developers whose apps are using deprecated API endpoints by email, say, and give them instructions on how to upgrade. (Not on every API call, of course.)

It seems somewhat unhelpful if a developer is getting spammed by "version 1.2.3 of your app is using deprecated endpoints!" when they've already fixed that in version 1.2.4 and people just haven't upgraded to the new version of the app yet. That might wind up encouraging developers to make a new API key for every version of their app and aggressively disabling the old versions' keys. Or it might wind up encouraging developers to filter the emails straight to the trash.

It would be even less helpful if someone can steal the API key out of an app for use in their own app. See T221161 for further discussion on that possibility.

For the Action API I created ApiFeatureUsage so developers could proactively look up (by the user agent) what deprecated features their apps are using. The REST API could write to the same log channel that feeds that, if it wants. I don't know whether anyone actually makes much use of it though.

Not ideal, but I think it's a relatively minor maintenance burden...?

It's not only a maintenance burden to return the same content from 2 routes. It doubles the amount of front-end cache purges we need to do for every route. The proper way of doing it would be to 301 Redirect old routes to new routes.

Sure. I don't love putting that data into the response, but it would be fine as a header. In REST APIs, the result is the thing, and putting a "warning" property into the output for fetching a revision doesn't make sense; the revision doesn't have a "warning" property. That's in contrast to RPC-style APIs like the Action API.

It's not very RESTy to include the warnings property in the response. Instead we could adopt a standard HTTP Warning header. There's also a draft RFC for deprecated header.

Including this information in a header vs as a property in the response doesn't make it less visible for the end user, you can ignore a response property as successfully as an http header.

Instead we could adopt a standard HTTP Warning header. There's also a draft RFC for deprecated header.

That seems just like what we're looking for.

I tried looking for a link-rel that would work in a Link: header, but the closest I could come up with is "help".

I updated to note that we'll set the Deprecation header.

I updated to note that we'll set the Deprecation header.

That sounds good, though it may not be obvious to the casual observer.
Is the idea to follow this? Or is there another draft spec for this header?

EDIT: I just came across Seems relevant. Now reading.


Not ideal, but I think it's a relatively minor maintenance burden...?

Yes, I think it's a good solution.

One could argue the right thing to do is to make a redirect from the old url to the new one, and ask clients to follow it. There are downsides to both approaches (one is HTTP-correct, the other reduces the latency for the end user and grows the amount of data we cache), so I don't have a clear preference. Maybe doing what you proposed for the first few months, then move to a redirect? Anyways not something that needs to be decided in the scope of the RFC - the important part is we have a way to manage such transitions easily. Thanks!

Is there another meeting for this? Is my presence needed or helpful?

Based on feedback, I've added a section on private, internal API endpoints. We carved out a namespace /private/ for endpoints that are internal to MediaWiki. I also added some danger signs, pointing out how private APIs can become public, and then get difficult to change or support. Lastly, I added a note that the private nature of /private/ might be enforced using API keys. (We're just starting to get API keys into the mix, so this is more a shot across the bow than a design plan.)

I added the "Unstable" and "Internal" sections based on requests from previous discussions. My team won't use those; they were added by request from TechCom.

If TechCom decides to drop them from the RFC, I'm 100% OK with that.

Please don't hold up moving forward with this RFC to get my feedback on dropping those sections.

Based on internal discussions inside CPT, I've taken out the section on Internal or Private APIs. Our rough consensus is that this is not a good pattern to encourage with this RFC, so we'd like to see it go through without the section.

I've duplicated it in this comment in case there's need to review the text.

Private or internal API endpoints

For MediaWiki core, we'll reserve a private namespace, /private/, for any internal API endpoints used by MediaWiki that aren't intended for public use.

We recognize this is problematic; private, internal interfaces have a tendency to become de-facto public interfaces if they're the only way to get some functionality to work. We encourage any developers who are thinking of putting an endpoint into /private/ to think again, and think once more, before using it. The overhead of designing a public interface that can be supported in a stable, backwards-compatible way is not as high as the overhead of supporting a private endpoint that's become public over time.

Client API developers should question anyone who tries to get them to use a /private/ API.

The /private/ namespace will use semantic versioning. It will keep the major version at zero, reflecting the unstable nature of this namespace. So, a private API endpoint might be:


Private API endpoints may use other mechanisms, such as API keys, to restrict access to authorized clients only.

Per the TechCom meeting on October 9, this RFC is entering the Last Call period. If there are no pertienent concerns raised and left unaddressed by October 23, this RFC will be approved as proposed.

So, do we resolve the ticket at this point?

TechCom approved this on October 23rd.

@eprodromou good question normally they stay open until implemented but since this is an overall structure that doesn't seem right.

I'm going to mark it resolved.

Is it reasonable to copy this document to It seems to get overlooked because it's a closed ticket. @apaskulin ideas?