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Community Relations support needed a several read-only window for s5
Closed, ResolvedPublic


What is the problem?

We need to failover the current s5 database primary master, to a newer host (T217396) and to a different rack location within our primary datacenter (T186188)
Technical tracking task for this maintenance: T234300
For this operation we need to set up the following wikis on read-only:


How can we help you?

We need to let users of the above wikis, that on Tuesday 15th October from 05:00 to 05:30 AM UTC those wikis will be on read-only. No writes will be allowed, reads will remain unaffected.

What does success look like?

Users will get notified and plan their work to avoid that maintenance window.
If everything goes fine, we expect the read-only window to last around 1-2 minutes, not 30.

What is your deadline?

We'd like to do this switchover by Tuesday 15th October at 05:00 AM UTC

Event Timeline

Trizek-WMF triaged this task as Medium priority.
Trizek-WMF subscribed.

I'll work on:

  • banners
  • message to the Kurier and other community mediums. No Tech News since it only affecting a few wikis.

Banners set and messages posted.

Reminders posted on de.wp and en.wv.

This was done
read only start: 05:00:17
read only stop: 05:00:43

Total read only time: 26 seconds

Thanks for your help!