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EPC Kanban Cards
Closed, ResolvedPublic


This is a parent task to collect all of the tiny EPC tasks, and probably won't get updated. It's a parking lot. Sorry. m(_ _)m

In Q1 we organized our work using a lot of small tasks that were moved around like kanban cards on the workboard, but otherwise not updated or used. This led people to be confused with why there were so many, and I think it's safe to say we made a mistake organizing things this way. Well, since we still want to go forward with the major tickets we have, I'm going to move all of these rather useless sub-tickets to be children of this ticket instead.

Event Timeline

jlinehan renamed this task from EPC kanban cards to EPC Kanban Cards.Nov 1 2019, 3:22 PM
mpopov subscribed.

All subtasks are resolved so this is also resolved