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New maintainer needed for Phetools OCR for Wikisource
Open, Needs TriagePublic


OCR gadget on Wikisource doesn’t work for several months anymore (T228594).
@Phe and @Tpt were the maintainers but they don’t respond to solicitations.

Source code.

Note a new OCR tool is demanded on 2020 Wishlist. If this wish is effectively responded by Community Tech team, that should workaround this task.

Event Timeline

I am interested in becoming a maintainer for this tool. I have idea about Python. I will ''try'' to resolve the issue that led to this task. If I am unable to resolve this issue, I will surely inform in Phab so that my rights on the tool can be revoked.

I think you can feel free to claim the task and to fork the software from Github. No special rights are needed to produce a patch.

I have a doubt. Without being a maintainer of the tool, how can I edit the pages related to this? I have tried the command become phetools but it generated the following error:

You are not a member of the group tools.phetools.
Any existing member of the tool's group can add you to that.

Without being a maintainer of the tool, how can I edit the pages related to this?

The tool is open source:

Source code.

You can make a fork, edit the files, and make a pull request. There are a lot of guides floating around for this, like

I have yet another doubt. Will the edits done by me and after using git push command, will it be reflected in the original application?

No, they will not. At least, not automatically.

You can refer to Right to fork policy and Abandoned tool policy.

First, please submit a patch to let other developers may review your code. An adoption request would certainly be welcomed then.

@Adithyak1997 thank you for willing to contribute to the tool.
Do you have a solution, and you tested it and you just don't know how to deploy it?

I was not able to test it due to the reason that I was not able to access the tool using the command use toolname.
Following are the two solutions which I can try once gained access:
Firstly, restarting the service. This needs to be done since many times Phe was able to solve the issues related to OCR through restarting.
Secondly, to check whether the html file is freezing due to the any content related policy issues or not.

maybe you can you get it to work in development environment (localhost) to be independent on ownership of the tool

But one of the maintainers is actually active now. I am actually waiting to check if he approves my request or not.

But one of the maintainers is actually active now. I am actually waiting to check if he approves my request or not.

@Adithyak1997: What was the result?

This comment was removed by Adithyak1997.