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Send in 2019 results to 90-konto
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Per the instructions

Svensk insamlingskontrol want the 2019 results "as soon as possible", but at the end of May at the latest. They want the following:

  • Signerad årsredovisning och eventuell koncernredovisning
  • Revisionsberättelsen
  • Revisorns PM avseende iakttagelser vid revisionen eller motsvarande form av rapportering till organisation
  • Signerade blanketter för resultaträkning och nyckeltal samt notförklaringar enligt anvisningar till rapportpaketet
  • Blanketten mottagande organisationer

The results are collected in this drive folder


Due Date
May 26 2020, 10:00 PM

Event Timeline

Lokal_Profil added a subscriber: Evelina-Bang-WMSE.

@Evelina-Bang-WMSE Suddenly struck me. Do we actually have to send the final numbers to 90-kontot and if so when in the year do they want it?

The spreadsheet logic has been set up here but needs to be re-done based on the final numbers.

@Evelina-Bang-WMSE Suddenly struck me. Do we actually have to send the final numbers to 90-kontot and if so when in the year do they want it?

Yes, they want it "as soon as possible", but at the end of May at the latest. They want this:

  • Signerad årsredovisning och eventuell koncernredovisning
  • Revisionsberättelsen
  • Revisorns PM avseende iakttagelser vid revisionen eller motsvarande form av rapportering till organisation
  • Signerade blanketter för resultaträkning och nyckeltal samt notförklaringar enligt anvisningar till rapportpaketet
  • Blanketten mottagande organisationer


@Evelina-Bang-WMSE Suddenly struck me. Do we actually have to send the final numbers to 90-kontot and if so when in the year do they want it?

  • Revisorns PM avseende iakttagelser vid revisionen eller motsvarande form av rapportering till organisation

Is this just the paper that becomes part of the Årsredovisning or is it a separate document we need to request? (If so do we need to tell them nowish?)

  • Signerade blanketter för resultaträkning och nyckeltal samt notförklaringar enligt anvisningar till rapportpaketet

I assume this is the same breakdown as we used when we applied? If so it's largely done in

Lokal_Profil renamed this task from Update 90-konto calculation to Send in 90-konto update calculation.Mar 30 2020, 8:11 AM
Lokal_Profil updated the task description. (Show Details)
Lokal_Profil edited subscribers, added: Maria_Burehall_WMSE; removed: Evelina-Bang-WMSE.

I've re-jigged this task to be responsible for the actual reporting and added @Maria_Burehall_WMSE to it.

  • Signerade blanketter för resultaträkning och nyckeltal samt notförklaringar enligt anvisningar till rapportpaketet

I'll copy this one across to the right folder and add the necessary footnotes. Note that we miss the goal on one of the key numbers (spending/income) because of the reserves. This shouldn't be a major issue though but needs a clear footnote.

  • Revisorns PM avseende iakttagelser vid revisionen eller motsvarande form av rapportering till organisation

@Maria_Burehall_WMSE Do you know if this is just the document which normally comes with the Årsredovisning?

  • Blanketten mottagande organisationer

@Maria_Burehall_WMSE Can you take a look and see if we had any organisations needing to be added for 2019? We did not when we applied and I don't think we should for the reset of the year either.

Base numbers for resultaträkning och nyckeltal is available here. This needs to be copied to the correct template and the 2018 result must be added

This task needs to be updated with the info in the recent e-mail

Lokal_Profil renamed this task from Send in 90-konto update calculation to Send in 2019 results to 90-konto.May 15 2020, 8:07 AM
Lokal_Profil moved this task from 📆 This week to 👁 Watching on the User-LokalProfil board.

This task needs to be updated with the info in the recent e-mail


Base numbers for resultaträkning och nyckeltal is available here. This needs to be copied to the correct template and the 2018 result must be added

This has now been done and lives in this spreadsheet.

@Jenny_Brandt_WMSE I'm assigning this to you. If you give the form a once over it should then be ready to be sent to Mattias and Sven-Erik for signing.
@Jopparn, do you wish to take a look at this before it is sent on? In particular the third tab with the notes.

  • Blanketten mottagande organisationer

@Maria_Burehall_WMSE Can you take a look and see if we had any organisations needing to be added for 2019? We did not when we applied and I don't think we should for the reset of the year either.

The notes from last time are collected here

This task needs to be updated with the info in the recent e-mail


Base numbers for resultaträkning och nyckeltal is available here. This needs to be copied to the correct template and the 2018 result must be added

This has now been done and lives in this spreadsheet.

@Jenny_Brandt_WMSE I'm assigning this to you. If you give the form a once over it should then be ready to be sent to Mattias and Sven-Erik for signing.
@Jopparn, do you wish to take a look at this before it is sent on? In particular the third tab with the notes.

Looks good to me. Thanks

The report was sent in friday the 29th of may. Waiting for a confirmation that Svensk insamlingskontroll has received the report.

They have confirmed that they have received the report. No comments or questions have been provided to date.