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wikisense unusable due to "504 Gateway Time-out"
Closed, DeclinedPublic


Event Timeline

@daniel: Removing task assignee as this open task has been assigned for more than two years - See the email sent to task assignee on Feburary 22nd, 2023.
Please assign this task to yourself again if you still realistically [plan to] work on this task - it would be welcome! :)
If this task has been resolved in the meantime, or should not be worked on by anybody ("declined"), please update its task status via "Add Action… 🡒 Change Status".
Also see for tips how to best manage your individual work in Phabricator. Thanks!

Pppery subscribed.

"The WikiSense project has been discontinued. It was based on a very old version of MediaWiki, and very much entangled with the Toolserver environment. A migration of the old code seems unpractical, and a complete rewrite of all tools would take a lot of effort. Please check on the ToolLabs overview page if an alternative tool exists for your need. "