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Non-semantic (whitespace, formatting) issues w/ Parsoid output on Talk pages
Open, MediumPublic


The DiscussionTools team has identified a number of minor "wikitext code style" issues with Parsoid's output on Talk pages. These range from different defaults for whitespace after colon lists, to dirty diffs (violation of the expectation that a comment only changes a single wikitext region), to problems with what is possible to represent given the limitations of wikitext indentation markup.

This is a tracking bug to allow the Parsing-Team--ARCHIVED to get a better overall picture of the issue, so we can start to categorize the types and severity of issues, and reason about general approaches we can take so we're not just swatting a series of flies in inconsistent ways.

Event Timeline

ssastry triaged this task as Medium priority.Apr 16 2020, 3:07 AM
ssastry moved this task from Needs Triage to Bugs & Crashers on the Parsoid board.
Esanders renamed this task from Nonsemantic (whitespace, formatting) issues w/ Parsoid output on Talk pages to Non-semantic (whitespace, formatting) issues w/ Parsoid output on Talk pages.Apr 21 2020, 6:20 PM
ppelberg subscribed.

Next step
Based on a conversation with Ed this week, it sounds like the next step for this task is for Parsing to think about this bundle of issues and determine what would be involved with resolving them.