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[CANDIDATE] QA for 'RML options' banner
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Hey @jbolorinos-ctr, as we discussed earlier, Eric is going to reimplement the RML Options banner for new testing next FY.

Old example preview:

Here's one thing I notice: trying to submit an empty email field in step 1 throws an error message, but you can submit in step 2 w/o selecting a Why later option.


Current best preview is the Netherlands variant :

Event Timeline

Hey @EWilfong_WMF

I've added several bugs and enhancement suggestions as subtasks to this task, just let me know if you have any questions about any of these!

jbolorinos-ctr renamed this task from QA for 'RML options' banner to [BETA] QA for 'RML options' banner.Jun 17 2020, 12:37 AM

I've added the NL Banners task as a parent to this task, since the RML options variant was included in the NL campaign.

jbolorinos-ctr renamed this task from [BETA] QA for 'RML options' banner to [CANDIDATE] QA for 'RML options' banner.Jul 15 2020, 5:50 PM

Aside from the remaining open issues, this variant is READY TO TEST (pass with issues)