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Plan our participation in the WMIL stats dashboard prototype development
Closed, ResolvedPublic0 Estimated Story Points


  • Participate in planning call with WMIL Wednesday 24

Event Timeline

David_Haskiya_WMSE changed the point value for this task from 6 to 4.EditedJun 24 2020, 1:43 PM
  • Agreed with WMIL to have a check-in every 3 weeks. I will advise on requirements and provide feedback on the prototype as it is developed. Later will test the prototype with a Swedish GLAM or two.
  • WMIL won't be using Phabricator, but rather Github
  • First iteration demo/working prototype in 6 weeks
David_Haskiya_WMSE changed the point value for this task from 4 to 0.Jun 24 2020, 1:52 PM
David_Haskiya_WMSE moved this task from This week to Done on the User-David_Haskiya_WMSE board.
Jopparn claimed this task.