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Quibble runs core:unit tests twice!
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During a full run of Quibble, I noticed PHPUnit alerts twice about the slow test Argon2PasswordTest:testPartialConfig. Turns out it run twice, once as part of the core:unit suite and another time as part of the default phpunit.php suite. The commands Quibble runs are:

phpunit --colors=always --testsuite=core:unit,extensions:unit,skins:unit '--exclude-group' 'Broken,ParserFuzz,Stub'

The suite is defined as:

        <testsuite name="core:unit">

The second command is:

php tests/phpunit/phpunit.php --exclude-group Broken,ParserFuzz,Stub,Database,Standalone --log-junit /workspace/log/junit-dbless.xml

Which I guess crawls everything and thus also discover tests under tests/phpunit/unit. I guess we should exclude them?

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It is not the end of the world though core:unit takes just a few seconds to execute ;-]

Is this still a problem, or a problem worth doing something about?

Is this still a problem, or a problem worth doing something about?

This is still a problem. As for the second question: I don't think it's worth doing anything about this now, because PHPUnit 9 does not provide a CLI options to exclude a certain testsuite, and any other way we could come up with to exclude unit tests would be either a huge hack or a huge change to be implemented in all tests. OTOH, PHPUnit 10 does provide that option! It's --exclude-testsuite, see Once we upgrade, it should be really simple to add this option to the integration suite invocation. The only thing that makes this non-trivial is, I think, the fact that we'll probably have to write some BC logic so that the option is only passed if the repo uses PHPUnit >= 10.

BC logic

BC = beta cluster?

I beileve it's backwards-compatibility, in this context.

BC logic

BC = beta cluster?

I beileve it's backwards-compatibility, in this context.

Yes, sorry, it is backwards compatibility indeed.

Daimona changed the task status from Open to Stalled.Sep 7 2023, 4:48 PM