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Create temp and config directories at the installation time of transferpy deb package
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The transferpy is a package used for database backup and recovery. At the time of installation of transferpy deb package, it should automatically create the directories for the following future use-cases.

  • A directory to save port reservation and checksum files.
  • A directory for configuration files.

Event Timeline

Change 612162 had a related patch set uploaded (by Privacybatm; owner: Privacybatm):
[operations/software/transferpy@master] transferpy: Create required directories at the time of deb installation

Change 612162 merged by jenkins-bot:
[operations/software/transferpy@master] transferpy: Create required config directory at the time of deb installation

We agreed temp cannot be created at install time as the temp directories are created on the remote hosts, not the place where the package is installed.