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Bug Reporting Best Practices blog post
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Please create Bug Reporting Best Practices blog post at the QTE blog.

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zeljkofilipin moved this task from Inbox to Blog on the Quality-and-Test-Engineering-Team board.

Hey Andre, this is just a blog post that will be posted to the QTE blog, and like I said, originally I set this up because of my experience filing over 400 bugs at Apple, so I just wanted to share the lessons I learned there.

This certainly isn't meant to replace the already posted wikimedia guidelines, so my apologies if that's what it came off as. I actually think that page is already very helpful and I doubt my blog post will have anything to add that hasnt been covered already in the "How to report a bug" instructions. Of course if there's anything I could contribute I would be happy to, so just let me know if that's the case.

Ah, thanks a lot! Looking forward to potential improvement ideas! :)

Thanks, I've added some quick comments.
I think it would also be good if that document would not contradict with

I'm reading @jbolorinos-ctr's draft blog post and @Aklapper's comments and I have a few comments.

  • @Aklapper is mostly thinking about anybody (developer, tester, volunteer) reporting a bug. @jbolorinos-ctr is mostly thinking about people paid to report bugs (like members of Quality-and-Test-Engineering-Team team). Please correct me if I'm wrong.
  • It would probably be the best to link to How to report a bug at the very beginning of the post.
  • The post should start with a disclaimer that it's a personal view on the topic and not an official document, to avoid any confusion.
  • The title should probably be changed from Bug Reporting Best Practices to something like Bug Reporting Tips, to avoid any confusion.

This might be already covered by , if I don't misunderstand?

Maybe we weren't clear on why @jbolorinos-ctr is writing this article. We are trying to create some content for Quality-and-Test-Engineering-Team blog. We are not trying to contradict the existing documentation. Blog posts are personal views on the topic. They should be clearly marked as such, to avoid any confusion.

@jbolorinos-ctr do you still want to do this? Do you want to pair on writing the first article?

Hey @zeljkofilipin, yes next week is my final push for fundraising banners, so after that I will definitely get this published. I would appreciate another pairing session yes, if early Jan sometime would work for you? Should I just go ahead and find a time on your calendar?

@jbolorinos-ctr sure, just find an empty slot in my calendar in January!

zeljkofilipin raised the priority of this task from Medium to Needs Triage.May 17 2021, 1:52 PM