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Add lijwikisource to Wikistats
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Nintendofan885 renamed this task from lijwikisource was created to Add lijwikisource to Wikistats.Jul 21 2020, 4:35 PM

@-jem- feel free to do it if you want, otherwise i will do it later today

How to add a wiki to another table that already exists in Wikipedias without having to manually figure out the local language name again etc:

MariaDB [wikistats]> insert into wikisources (lang,prefix,loclang,method) select lang,prefix,loclang,method from wikipedias where prefix="lij";


sudo -u wikistatsuser /usr/bin/php /usr/lib/wikistats/update.php ws prefix lij
---> update wikisources set total="8993",good="2851",edits="30275",users="410",activeusers="21",admins="0",images="0",http="200",si_generator="MediaWiki 1.36.0-wmf.2",ts=NOW() where id="82"