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Roll out remote-DC gutter pool for /*/mw-wan/
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Mediawiki sets/gets special purge keys ("tombstones") with the prefix /*/mw-wan/. Those keys are broadcasted from the primary to the secondary DC, via mcrouter. While mcrouter directly connects to the memcached cluster on the remote datacentre to set those keys, currently there is no proper provision for a memcached server on the remote DC being down. What we will do is include both gutter pools in each mcrouter config, and failover to the remote DC's gutter pool in case a remote DC memcached server is unavailable

In T240684#5891129 we tested the following config

      "aliases": [ "/codfw/mw-wan/"],
      "route": {
        "type": "OperationSelectorRoute",
        "default_policy": {
            "type": "FailoverRoute",
            "children": [ "PoolRoute|eqiad", "PoolRoute|eqiad-gutter" ],
            "failover_errors": [ "tko" ]
        "operation_policies": {
          "delete": {
            "type": "AllSyncRoute",
            "children": [ "AllSyncRoute|Pool|codfw", "AllSyncRoute|Pool|codfw-gutter" ]
          "set": {
            "type": "FailoverRoute",
            "children": [ "PoolRoute|codfw", "PoolRoute|codfw-gutter" ],
            "failover_errors": [ "tko" ]

We should deploy this configuration to production as well!

Event Timeline

Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. ยท View Herald TranscriptJul 24 2020, 9:22 AM
jijiki renamed this task from Deploy proxy gutter pool fuctionality to Roll out proxy gutter pool.Jul 24 2020, 9:23 AM
Krinkle updated the task description. (Show Details)

Change 730962 had a related patch set uploaded (by Effie Mouzeli; author: Effie Mouzeli):

[operations/puppet@production] profile::mcrouter_wancache: Add remote DC gutter routes

jijiki renamed this task from Roll out proxy gutter pool to Roll out remote gutter pool.Oct 15 2021, 5:31 AM
jijiki updated the task description. (Show Details)
jijiki renamed this task from Roll out remote gutter pool to Roll out remote-DC gutter pool for /*/mw-wan/.Oct 16 2021, 5:23 AM
jijiki updated the task description. (Show Details)

Change 730962 abandoned by Effie Mouzeli:

[operations/puppet@production] profile::mcrouter_wancache: Add remote DC gutter routes


in favour of I79da52e04858a192c299530aab7dafd2359ef746

Change 864853 had a related patch set uploaded (by Effie Mouzeli; author: Effie Mouzeli):

[operations/puppet@production] P:mediawiki::mcrouter_wancache: add gutter pools for /*/mw-wan keys

Change 864853 abandoned by Effie Mouzeli:

[operations/puppet@production] P:mediawiki::mcrouter_wancache: add gutter pools for /*/mw-wan keys


rebase hell

Change 875894 had a related patch set uploaded (by Effie Mouzeli; author: Effie Mouzeli):

[operations/puppet@production] P:mediawiki::mcrouter_wancache: add gutter pools for /*/mw-wan keys

Change 875894 merged by Effie Mouzeli:

[operations/puppet@production] P:mediawiki::mcrouter_wancache: add gutter pools for /*/mw-wan keys