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Write chapter of the technical needs that WMSE could help to develop and support
Closed, ResolvedPublic0 Estimated Story Points


This part of the report focuses on the identified technical needs and specifications for content partnerships globally, and how this informed the development of the technical direction we created. This section should actively refer to case studies for how tools are used by our strategic partners.

Event Timeline

Jopparn renamed this task from Technical needs to cover for the hub to Write chapter of the technical needs that WMSE could help to develop and support.Aug 9 2020, 7:55 AM
Jopparn created this task.

Please add a task for review/proofreading when done where I can be added.

David_Haskiya_WMSE set the point value for this task to 8.

Have made a start.


  • Reference case studies as described by the tickets.
  • Decide on the best way to publish the Product Development Deliverables and/or Product Plans
David_Haskiya_WMSE changed the point value for this task from 8 to 4.Oct 7 2020, 11:16 AM
David_Haskiya_WMSE raised the priority of this task from Medium to High.Oct 26 2020, 7:43 AM
David_Haskiya_WMSE changed the point value for this task from 4 to 0.

Have done what I can and have time to here.

Jopparn claimed this task.