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Add a link: testing API
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Although the production APIs for the link recommendation model will be built by other teams, the Research team can build an API that we can use to test out the model and get some real outputs. Perhaps this can be done for just a couple of the target languages.


Due Date
Aug 31 2020, 7:00 AM

Event Timeline

MMiller_WMF set Due Date to Aug 31 2020, 7:00 AM.

@MMiller_WMF @DED is this something you expect DED to be able to do before his last day? If DED is comfortable picking this up, sounds good to me. However, I'm concerned that with less than 3 weeks ahead of us and some vacation time, this may be too ambitious. If the two of you have talked and it's doable, I won't be on your way. :)

@leila -- @DED told me that he could do this, but I'll let him speak to the details.

@MMiller_WMF correct me if I am wrong, but this Phab task encompasses a general test API that the research team can help with "until" someone can take over our code for productionalization. Just for the growth team to start building around it and know what to expect as output, start giving feedback, spot corner cases, etc. We created this task to clearly distinguish it from the work required to port the model into prod.

+@leila what I'll provide before I leave is a working test model running on one of our internal servers and using the English end-to-end pipeline that I have. Integrating 1-2 additional languages won't be a problem (barring resources issues).
It can as well be just a script that is run manually. Someone with API experience will easily wrap it up.

Update: we have not finished this task as planned before @DED s departure. we are working on having a toolforge instance to host this. this requires us to make some changes in how to save and access some of the datasets to meet ressource limitations.

Update: we went through different iterations:

Thus closing this taksk.