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Communicate the translated version of the CivicTech RA application
Closed, ResolvedPublic0 Estimated Story Points


Communicate the translated version of the CivicTech RA application to:

  • WMF
  • GLAMwiki Community

Event Timeline

David_Haskiya_WMSE set the point value for this task to 6.
David_Haskiya_WMSE changed the point value for this task from 6 to 4.Oct 20 2020, 9:05 AM
David_Haskiya_WMSE changed the point value for this task from 4 to 2.Oct 23 2020, 6:49 AM

Have now communicated this application to the community, via the GLAM-Wiki Global Facebook group and the GLAMWiki mailing list. Will keep the shared GoogleDoc open for comments until November 2.

David_Haskiya_WMSE changed the point value for this task from 2 to 1.Oct 23 2020, 2:41 PM

Have closed the document for comments. No meaningful feedback received either in-document, on Facebook or on the GLAMWiki maling list. Marking this as done, at least as far as I'm concerned (as tomorrow is my last working day).

David_Haskiya_WMSE changed the point value for this task from 1 to 0.
David_Haskiya_WMSE moved this task from This week to Done on the User-David_Haskiya_WMSE board.