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Contribute to the white paper in general
Closed, ResolvedPublic0 Estimated Story Points


Not just the technical/product areas specifically

Event Timeline

David_Haskiya_WMSE renamed this task from Contribute to the report in general to Contribute to the white paper in general.Oct 12 2020, 9:52 AM
David_Haskiya_WMSE triaged this task as High priority.
David_Haskiya_WMSE created this task.
David_Haskiya_WMSE updated the task description. (Show Details)
David_Haskiya_WMSE set the point value for this task to 8.
David_Haskiya_WMSE moved this task from Backlog to This week on the User-David_Haskiya_WMSE board.
David_Haskiya_WMSE changed the point value for this task from 8 to 6.Oct 13 2020, 1:24 PM
David_Haskiya_WMSE changed the point value for this task from 6 to 4.Oct 20 2020, 9:06 AM
David_Haskiya_WMSE changed the point value for this task from 4 to 2.Oct 23 2020, 2:40 PM

I think I've now added as much as I can with the information I have at hand.

David_Haskiya_WMSE changed the point value for this task from 2 to 4.Nov 2 2020, 7:37 AM
David_Haskiya_WMSE changed the point value for this task from 4 to 0.Nov 6 2020, 2:41 PM

Created a ToC and rough outline. Filled in some parts. Have done what I can and have time to.