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Remove the unnoticeable metadataPanel slide-in animation
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Follow up to T229484: [M] After closing, browser sometimes scrolls to the top of the page in Firefox

The metadataPanel should slide in from below, animated. However the animation seems to be instantaneous for me most of the time.
Is it worth keeping this animation? Does anybody notice it?

Event Timeline

Change 637899 had a related patch set uploaded (by Aron Manning; owner: Aron Manning):
[mediawiki/extensions/MultimediaViewer@master] mmv.ui.metadataPanelScroller: Remove metadataPanel slide-in animation

@Tgr do you remember this? What's your opinion?

Thank you, @Tgr! As I understand T77463 the purpose is to slide in the metadataPanel after the loading finishes.

"The animation should occur after the progress bar is completed and should be noticeable enough."

However currently I'm observing the panel fully visible while the progressbar runs to completion:

What prompted the creation of this task was that I've observed an animation glitch when opening MMV with the metadataPanel briefly appearing in a half-exposed state, sliding out immediately and sliding in a moment later. This is quite hard to debug and not reliably reproducible.

With the T77463's description and the observed behavior being in contradiction I'm confused what is the proper (expected) behavior and whether this animation code is actually effective or just dead code?

Hmmm. I've overlooked this:

"only for those people that have not opened the metadata panel before. "

Thanks for the help, @Tgr. Reproduced it.

Change 637899 abandoned by Aron Manning:
[mediawiki/extensions/MultimediaViewer@master] mmv.ui.metadataPanelScroller: Remove metadataPanel slide-in animation

Needed for T77463

Not slide in, just wiggle a little bit so that users notice. The panel appears without sliding; when it appears could probably be improved (it depends on various kinds of preloading, and state preserved from viewing the previous image) but that animation is entirely unrelated.

Thank you, Tgr! I found out how to trigger and test the functionality. When the "wiggle" appears is reasonable, I have no plan to change or improve it. I'm not sure I would interpret the wiggle as it's supposed to be, but I've noticed the extendable metadata panel without the wiggle, anyway.