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Schema change for timestamp fields of jobs table
Closed, ResolvedPublic


(Part of T42626: Standardise type of timestamp database fields (MySQL) and T230428: Migrate tables.sql to abstract schema)

  1. ALTERs to run: And
  2. Where to run those changes: all.dblist
  3. When to run those changes: At any time
  4. If the schema change is backwards compatible: Yes
  5. If the schema change has been tested already on some of the test/beta wikis: Tested in beta cluster.
  6. if the data should be made available on the labs replicas and/or dumps: Yes, data in this table is public

The table supposed to be empty in production.


  • s1
  • s2
  • s3
  • s4
  • s5
  • s6
  • s7
  • s8
  • s10 (wikitech)
  • Labtestwiki (clouddb2001-dev)

Event Timeline

Marostegui triaged this task as Medium priority.Nov 23 2020, 7:19 AM
Marostegui added a project: DBA.
Marostegui moved this task from Triage to Ready on the DBA board.

Table was indeed empty on s6. So I have deployed it there first.

  `job_timestamp` binary(14) DEFAULT NULL,
  `job_token_timestamp` binary(14) DEFAULT NULL,
  `job_timestamp` binary(14) DEFAULT NULL,
  `job_token_timestamp` binary(14) DEFAULT NULL,
  `job_timestamp` binary(14) DEFAULT NULL,
  `job_token_timestamp` binary(14) DEFAULT NULL,

s3 progress

  • labsdb1012
  • labsdb1011
  • labsdb1010
  • labsdb1009
  • dbstore1004
  • db1124
  • db1123
  • db1112
  • db1095
  • db1078
  • db1075
  • clouddb1017
  • clouddb1013
Marostegui updated the task description. (Show Details)

All done