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IABot job queue has been stuck for a long time
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There is a larger number jobs waiting in the queue. If I recall correctly, the IABot job has been stuck for over 6 weeks already.

(I would at least like to understand, why the job workers get stuck while the "regular" wiki workers seem to be running fine.)

Event Timeline

IN triaged this task as High priority.Dec 10 2020, 10:35 AM

This glitch does not resolved yet.

Aklapper raised the priority of this task from High to Needs Triage.Dec 10 2020, 12:18 PM
Aklapper subscribed.

(Removing assignee as it's up to them to decide what they plan to work on)

IN renamed this task from IABot job queue has been stuck for weeks again to IABot job queue has been stuck for a long time.Jan 31 2021, 10:19 AM
IN updated the task description. (Show Details)

IMG_20210131_225552.jpg (3×535 px, 801 KB)

As far as I know, at least 60 assignments in the English Wikipedia have been terminated because of this problem. So this may be a legacy of T221971.

At present, the robot has not started to run task 6767, but the task has been arranged to 7063.

At Feb 5, the queue of robots has reached 7090, but 6767 has not yet started.

It'll take some time before the backlog of 229 pending jobs are completed.

the pending jobs have just finished

and now there is no longer a backlog as job 7104 (the highest job ID) has finished

So if you encounter this kind of problem in the future, I suggest that you must go to his discussion to reflect this matter. So this is why this task can be completed so quickly When the robot creator stepped in.