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"Discussion" page tab in mobile interface on Commons no longer red when talk page is empty
Closed, DuplicatePublic


In the past If a discussion page hasn't had any entries , it would appear red. That way we wouldn't click on it thinking that there's some discussion to see. However nowadays the discussion page tab is black just like the article page so we can't tell if it's empty or not. The following picture is of a typical File on Wikimedia Commons which does not have a discussion page yet.

Screenshot_20210204-154414.jpg (1×1 px, 315 KB)

The words file, and discussion, are the same color.

Event Timeline

Aklapper renamed this task from Empty discussion page tab no longer red to "Discussion" page tab in mobile interface on Commons no longer red when talk page is empty.Feb 4 2021, 8:09 AM
Aklapper added a project: MobileFrontend.
Aklapper edited projects, added MinervaNeue; removed MobileFrontend.

For the records, it hasn't done that for at least three years, see T174995

Yes it has, see T236608.

In which sentence does it say so?

The closed T174995 is a duplicate of the open T236608 which corresponds to the picture I posted.

You didn't answer my question; I asked when "In the past If a discussion page hasn't had any entries , it would appear red." was the case.

All I know is they were red until I picked up my cell phone. Aren't they still red on the Desktop version?

They are, but this (and your previous report about the same issue) were about the mobile interface, not about a desktop version. :)